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~Last Chapter~

Christina couldn't stop crying. We were behind the school, I was pacing back and forth while Christina sat against the wall crying.

I was frustrated. I pulled my hair and was thinking on what to do next.

"Your whole family h-hates me." Christina said looking up at me.

"No no no" I said, kneeling to her level and grabbing her face lightly into my hands.

"It doesnt matter what they think. I dont care what they think. Everything is going to be okay, I promise" I told her softly. She nodded her head.

"W-what are we gonna do now" Christina asked standing up.

"We can runaway from here" I tell her, afraid of thinking she might not agree.

"Yes" Christina says, without hesitation.

I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I dont care anymore lets just do it" Christina said, now hugging me.

"Whatever happens just please dont leave me" Christina says.

I put my arms around her body and hug back.

"I will always be here for you" I tell her.


Two hours later, me and Christina find a little hideout in the woods.

There is a large waterfall that is surrounded by tall rocks. Right behind the giant rocks, is a tiny wooden house.

Christina said this little house was her grandmothers. When you walked in all you saw was clean blankets and pillows everywhere with a tiny tv and a mini fridge.

It was cute and felt comfortable and warm.

We both were laying down watching the kids choice awards (WHICH WAS GREAT BTW).

"Gray?" Christina asks.


"What happens if we run out of food?" She asks worriedly.

I thought about it for awhile.

"Christina, you know were gonna have to go back sometime" I tell her.

She looks at me shocked.

"What? No... No I'm not going back!" Christina yells.

"Hey look calm down-"

"DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Christina screams making me stand up.

"Christina chill-"

"I THINK WE FOUND THEM!" Me and Christina hear police officers outside the tiny house.

"No no no I don't want to go back, shit!" I tell myself.

"Grayson Im so sorry" Christina says on the verge of crying.

I go up to her and hug her.

"Hey hey it's not your fault okay"

The door then opens harshly.

"Christina and Grayson?" The officer asks pointing the gun at us as we both have our hands up in surrender.

"They're here!" He yells one more time and leaves.

Once he is out of view, I see my whole family. My dad, mom and Ethan.

And then it's Christina's mom and dad who grabs her arm and pulls her aside, telling her that Christina can't hang out with me anymore.

That's great... :(

My dad comes up to me.
"What the fuck were you thinking?!" He screamed at me.

I was silent.

"I'm putting you on security watch" My dad says.

What the hell is wrong with him?

"Dad no-"

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" My dad then slaps me. He slaps me really hard I fall to the floor.

I honestly can't take this no more.

"Let's go son! You will never see her again" my dad tells me pointing at Christina.

I turn around to look at her.

I start walking towards her.

All of a sudden, I feel a hand pull on my arm.

"I said LETS GO" my dad says strictly.

"PLEASE DAD NO!" I yell, struggling to get out of his grasp.

Christina is worried. I can tell. She then starts walking up to me, now she is running but gets held back by both her parents.

"I KNEW THIS BOY WAS GONNA GET YOU INTO TROUBLE! what's next?! You finally losing virginity to him? Will he be wearing a flavored or colored condom? FUCK NO HE IS NOT GOING TO BE FUCKING YOU ANYTIME SOON!!" Her mom yells.

I swear she is messed up in the head. Christina isn't a virgin anymore and I'm sure she doesn't know that.

"LET GO OF HER!" I yell. But her parents don't seem to bother.


What the hell is wrong with her family...

Here we are. Being drifted apart by people who don't want us together.

Christina will now find a different guy for her and she will be happy. A guy who can make her smile. A guy who would do anything for her. The thing is, I'm not the guy.

Forever jealous of this one girl who I know will never be mine.

The end.

the book isn't over hoes💖😂 let me know what you think of this book so far and THIS WHOLE WEEK I GOT SPRING BREAK!!!

FUCK YEAH BITCHES!! IMA BE GOING TO CLUBS AND GETTING DRUNK AND THEN FUCKING RANDOM GUYS BUT I'm sure that not gonna happen cause I'm actually really young, Bye bye hoes, enjoy the damn weekend and see ya next week! 😈💘💘💕

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