Chapter 8

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After leaving Mary, Sheila went on with her original plan. She went to the cabana of the man she met earlier in the dining room.

In the afternoon, Mary came to find her outside of her cabana crying. She took her in her arms and proceeded to carry her inside the cabana.

She didn't have the key card to the hut, but she knew that she had to get Sheila inside immediately. She had never seen the woman in such a distressed state before.

She used the combined force of Sheila's weight and her strength to direct Sheila's feet in the direction of the door and kick it down.

When they got inside, she stumbled across the room in the dark almost falling. She refused to let go of Sheila and made sure she got her in bed safely.

After she lay her down, she stood up and watched as the lady slept. She started to walk away from the bedside when she was pulled back by a gentle tug on her shirt.

"Where do you think you're going?", threatened Sheila with a menacing stare.

Even though it was in the dark, Mary still felt the effects of the glare and she turned back around to look at the upset Sheila.

"Who-who said I was going anywhere, maybe I just wanted to go and make some tea for you," replied a shocked and stuttering Mary.

"That's what I thought", Sheila said as she closed her eyes.

Mary went into the kitchen and found a kettle. After pouring water in it and putting it on the stove, she went back to Sheila's room.

Sheila laid there in a daze, but the movement of her chest indicated that she was still awake just not fully mobile.

Mary didn't know what to do but she feared leaving the room and getting on the woman's bad side. She looked around the room and took in the appearance of Sheila's decoration style.

They say you can tell a person by the way their room is decorated. From the looks of Sheila's room, it was right. The ceilings were layered with black paint and silver diamond studs. There were chains and whips lying around on the bedpost.

Hand cuffs and latex were posted on the walls. The thought of seeing Sheila use the whip aroused Mary. She got lost in a daze and forgot the kettle on the stove. She peeked over and took a glance at Sheila. Her tousled bed hair made her look stunning thought Mary.

"Are you going to stare at me all day? That's kind of creepy" said Sheila in a hoarse voice as she began to wake up. "Where's my tea?", she asked.

"Oh shit, I totally forget about it!", said Mary running out of the bedroom into the kitchen.

She looked on the stove and it was perfectly fine. She grabbed a towel and wiped her sweaty face before she grabbed a cup and poured a chai tea mix with water into it.

After stirring it, she went back into the bedroom and put it on Sheila's bed-stand. She remained standing because there was no seat in the room.

With the two women both awake, the room was stained in silence. No one dared to speak even though they both had things to say to each other.

They were both unsure how to start a conversion after their previous encounter in the morning.

Sheila reached for her tea and blew on it lightly. Next, she sipped it. She didn't want a repeat of what occurred in the morning, so she waited for Mary to feel brave enough to speak first.

Five minutes went by and Sheila was halfway through with her tea. Mary still remained standing without ever speaking a word as she looked off admiring the ceiling. Getting some confidence, she began to speak.

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