Chapter 17

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When I woke up, all I could see was darkness. The reality of our situation rushed back to my head and I screamed, "What the hell!".

I tried to pry the bars of the cage open with my bare hands, but it was useless. Before I tried to do anything else, I listened to hear if anyone was coming. Amy was still asleep. Instead of trying pry the cage bars open, I began to observe its structure to see if there was a way that I could escape either by picking the lock or squeezing myself through.

The key lock hole was too big for the old hairpin trick and the space between the bars were too small for me to fit through. I heard a shuffling behind me and saw that Amy had awoken. She stretched and began walking around the cage.

"Steve, you motherfucker!", she shouted. "Open the freaking cage. You can't keep us here forever!", she continued to shout. Before I had the time to go over to her and calm her down, she took off her shoe and threw it out of the cage to the door in front of us. It was as if she knew that someone was out there listening.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a man Steve Wilkins. When I get out of here, you're dead", she commented.

I was shocked and had my mouth open. "What the hell, Amy!", I yelled at her. She did her famous smirk and by the amount of times I'd seen it now, it was truly getting annoying.

The front door to the room flew open and in came Steve. He stared directly at Amy looking angry.

He walked to the end of the room and flipped a switch turning on the lights in the room. It revealed two more cages that were near us. I saw 6 girls in the cages, and I shuddered. They were unconscious and they looked like our friends who we had been trying to find.

"It's time for a show ladies", he said while staring menacingly at Amy. "My sweet partner, I've been dying to show you my new skills. It's been far too long, and I've missed you."

"Fuck you Steve", she replied. I heard about your new skills from my friends. I know all about what you did to Sheila. "You're a sick bastard and you're going to pay for what you did to her."

"Sheila, who is that?", He rubbed his chin trying to remember. "Ah, Yes. It's that slut who wanted to fuck. She got what she deserved, and she had it coming", he stated slicking his hair back to show how proud he was.

We heard chains jingling around us and saw Mary struggling to break free. She was awake and heard everything that he had said about Sheila. Amy moved closer to the bars of the cage and looked directly into Steve's eyes.

"It's me you want Steve. There's no need to hurt these ladies. I'll do whatever you want so just let them go", she stated firmly.

He reached through the cage and squeezed her cheeks. She shuddered backing away.

"That's where you're wrong Amy. It's not always about you and it's never been about you. I'm actually grateful that you brought me these beautiful ladies," he replied

"What are you talking about? I didn't bring you anyone," she said wiping off her cheeks.

"Not directly but a few months after we split, I used up my half of the money. I needed more and you were off the grid. It took a lot to find you and when I did, I saw how happy you were. You didn't need me anymore."

"I figured that the best way to get some more cash was to capture the most wanted targets on the FBI's list. I could put them up for ransom or sell them to the highest bidder. That's where the lovely lady next to you comes in. It's really her call", he said.

Before leaving the room, he instructed me to call my department and tell them about the situation and if he was satisfied with the price, he'd hand the ladies over to me.

I sat down in the cage and tried to figure out what I was going to do. Amy was pacing around, and all the other ladies were watching us from their cages. Amy pulled out a pocket-knife from her socks and started trying to pick the key lock. Within a few moments it was open.

I was surprised and scared at the same time. Steve could come through the doors at any moment and I still hadn't called anyone. I couldn't call them. They'd know I failed the mission and even though the targets were high priority, I didn't think they'd pay the ransom.

Amy kneeled down beside me and tilted my chin towards her. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds but then she looked down to my lips and bit hers. With everything else being uncertain, the only thing I was sure about was that I wanted to kiss her. She leaned in and closed her eyes. I leaned in too and soon our lips touched once again. It was soft and sweet. I missed her lips and soon, what started out as a gentle kiss turned into something passionate.

She pulled apart when we heard the other ladies clapping and shouting, "Finally. It took ya'll forever." We laughed and placed our foreheads together. No words were said. She got up and went to open the ladies' cages. Luckily the key holes to the chains on Mary were also able to be opened by the knife.

"You guys got lucky", stated Mary. "I think I know what happened to Steve. Remember my friend Van. Before Steve kidnapped us, I called her and told her about what was happening. I can guarantee you that she took him out and is around the exit waiting for us", she stated proudly.

"Hopefully you're right", we replied.

We began making our way to the exit and we saw the shadow of a short figure waiting in the distance.

"Does that look like Van?", we whispered asking Mary.

"Nope. It sort of looks like a limping figurine with a scary smile. Guys abort. Turn around and hide", she whispered.

Sheila stopped and shook her head crazily. She pulled Mary towards her and caressed her cheek while stating, "Sorry, my love, I can't do that. I'm tired of running away from my problems. That man is going to pay for what he did to me and for what he did to us. He's going to die today."

Mary smiled. They both turned to look at all us of. We knew what we had to do. All together we got into formation and began running in his direction. When we reached closer to him, we heard a loud gush of wind and soon bullets started coming through the exit.

"Duck, everyone take cover!", I yelled, but it was too late.

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