Chapter 12 Part II

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Sarah brought Amy into her arms with a hug. When she calmed down, Amy lifted her head from the crook of Sarah's neck.

Sarah captured her chin with her thumb elevating her head so that they were looking into each other's eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that. I don't deserve this," Amy stated.

Amy pulled away from Sarah's grasp going back to look at the sky. Storming over, Sarah yanked her away from the scenery.

"Look at me. You promised to spill a story to me a couple minutes ago. I still want to know an embarrassing moment from you," remarked Sarah.

"Okay. If this will get you to leave me alone, let's get it over with," replied a frustrated Amy.

"When I was younger, I was overweight, but I didn't know. My friend took a picture of me and that's how I figured it out. Happy?!", she shouted.

She turned back to the sky again. Sarah stood shocked. Such a quick revelation wasn't hard to process yet she found herself laughing at how the woman told the story.

"Amy that's all good, but I'm worried for you. Why were you crying?", Sarah asked softly.

Looking at the sky, Amy thought back to the day her dad died. After telling Sarah what she wanted to hear, the melancholic feelings came back.

"My dad was a bank teller who had been shot in a bank robbery. I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I feel like I can trust you Sarah. Nobody else knows but the reason why I came to this island is because I did something bad", Amy said.

"Of course you can trust me. Whatever you did, I'm sure you had a good reason for it", stated Sara feeling a strange sense of guilt but also happiness because Amy was finally opening up to her.

"Okay, a few months ago I robbed a bank because I needed the money and now, I'm hiding out on this island until I figure out what to do," stated Amy.

"Wow", replied Sarah, acting speechless.

"Just thinking about what could've went down during my theft shook me up. I left alive but when I listened to the radio or the news, there was no information about someone being hurt. I was just glad that everything worked out even if I did do something so fucked up," said Amy as she continued her confession to Sarah.

"I'd never have guessed that you could pull off a robbery. I guess I don't know you as well as I thought I did", replied Sarah.

"You may think I'm crazy because I robbed a bank when in fact that was the same way how my dad died, but in that moment and with how everything worked out after my friend's death, I think it was a justified heist", Amy said.

"Okay. I know that must've been hard. It took a lot of courage to share that with me, but I have no judgement. I'm just glad you're back to your old self again, but in the morning, we definitely have some more talking to do. Let's go inside," stated Sarah.

Following along, Amy stayed behind Sarah as they walked back to their rooms.

When she reached her room, she opened the door but the vibes in the hallway were ominous. There was a dark menacing gaze upon her. She turned her head to see Mary and Nicole smiling at her. A smile as big as the Grinch on the night before Christmas.

With no words, the two women held her hand and dragged her down the hall into a secluded room of the yacht.

There were no security cameras and the room had soundproof walls. No televisions or bed took possession of the room eliciting a taunting and mysterious atmosphere.

Amy tried to fight her way out of their hold, but it was futile. She only intensified her struggles.

"Let me go guys! What the hell!", she screamed. No response was made from the other women and they continued with their hold on her.

It only stopped when Nicole received a phone call.

"The coast is clear", Nicole commented.

They released her and she began to make a run for the door.

"Amy don't you dare! We are your friends, now hear us out" they shouted.

"Listen closely because I'm only going to say this once. You've been compromised. You've got to cut your losses and turn yourself in" stated Nicole.

"Hell no! What do you know Nicole?", Amy asked.

"I know enough to say that you're looking at a long jail time if you get thrown back in the cells. I can truthfully say that Sarah, Dasia, Mari and Mia are not our friends. I've seen how close you've been with Sarah. What exactly did you tell her? She's been trying to nail you this whole damn time. They've all been trying to get evidence to arrest us," replied Nicole looking sullen.

I can't believe this. I knew it was too good to be true. It was too calm, Amy thought to herself.

"I didn't tell her anything that she can use to pin me. Wait a minute. If you know all this, then that means you know my history. You know what I did. Are we still cool though? After all, I did rob a bank," asked Amy.

"You're no worse than us. I killed somebody and Mary killed multiple people in the military. We all have our reasons for what we did. Right now, all that matters is that we stay alive and get out of this island alive and jail free," replied Nicole looking happier.

"Mary tell her the plan," stated Nicole.

"Okay. I hit up an old friend and she told me that they plan to search our cabanas in the morning. I don't know how they plan to do it but I'm not worried. I have nothing in my cabana. I figure we let them go in the morning and in that time when they think we're asleep we head south this ocean and go somewhere new where they can't find us. I've still got some loose ends that I need to wrap up before I leave completely but I need your help. Some sick bastard raped Sheila and we have to pay him a visit," stated Mary.

"Amy, life's a bitch sometimes but you fucked up", whispered Mary.

What happened next, she did not expect. Amy got punched in the face.

"Congrats Amy, cheerio. Fucking Aye!", shouted Mary.

"Mary what the fuck?!", Amy shouted angrily.

Mary had a killer right hook and if she wasn't used to it, she probably would have fallen, but she stood firm on her feet punching her in the gut. Now, there were two people in pain.

"Ladies, wait a minute. We should talk about this calmly. No more fighting with our fists. Mary, you go first", demanded Nicole.

Mary looked at Amy and smiled. That same twisted smile.

"Do you know who raped Sheila? I guess not but let me fill you in. Your sick friend who I am going to kill did it", she stated

Her tone was no longer sweet. Amy shivered from the coldness she felt.

"Friend, I don't have a lot of friends besides you guys right now so care to fucking elaborate. You freaking punched me", Amy stated.

"Does the name Steve ring a bell?", Mary asked.

Amy laughed. "That guy couldn't even carry out a bank robbery properly. He's a useless guy. What makes you think he could be capable of such a thing?" she asked.

"Well my friend is never wrong. I got the intel and proof I need, so I know I have the right culprit. That Son of a Bitch is going to pay for what he did to her", Mary replied.

Amy was surprised but it was a night full of shocking news.

The ladies finalized their plan and only went to their rooms after Nicole received another phone call.

Amy couldn't sleep. She didn't how she felt about Sarah planning to arrest her. She cared about the beautiful lady but anyone who stood in the way of her freedom was going down.

Amy had plans of her own. Only tomorrow would tell how her life would progress.

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