Chapter 4 Part II

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In the morning, Sarah woke up first and she found herself stuck and immobilized. She couldn't move at all. Amy had a tight and protective grip on her waist. Sarah didn't know what to do so she thought of the only logical solution.

She began to rub her ass into Amy's crotch slowly but hard and firm. Excitement always woke up a sleeping person. When that didn't work, she began to come up with counter measures. None of them worked and Sarah was exhausted.

She used up all her energy and she didn't have any coffee or food in her system yet. She resorted to her last method. It was a method that she felt reluctant to use, but she had no other choice.

Amy was a dead sleeper and none of her previous methods had worked. Sarah twisted her arms behind her body and began to tickle Amy's waist.

It worked slowly, but eventually Amy got up and the look on her face was not too happy. It looked like she had been having a great dream and to be woken up from it was the worst thing possible.

Sarah growled and screamed at her. She pushed her off the bed fuming. Amy couldn't believe what she had woken up to. From last night's activities to her present morning, she felt like things were spiraling in a whole new direction for her and Sarah.

"Woah, hold up. What's wrong?", she asked the angry woman.

"What's wrong? I don't know, maybe it's the fact that I had been trapped in my bed by you or the fact that I'm over here starving because you almost kept me captive in my own bed", replied Sarah.

"Relax, okay. Go and take a shower and I'll prepare some breakfast for us. Do you remember what happened last night? My head feels like shit", Amy stated trying to calm down the woman while massaging her aching temple.

She went into the kitchen and looked around seeing what was there for her to cook. She never told anybody, but she was a pretty good chef. Her dad taught her how to cook when she was little, and she never forgot it.

When she opened the refrigerator, all she saw was beverages and junk processed foods. No organic healthy food. She thought about it and decided to cook something really easy that was filling and could be considered classical.

She cooked some poached eggs with hollandaise sauce and used toasted English muffins to create a little breakfast fiesta for both of them. She made mint tea for Sarah because after seeing how she looked when she woke up she could sense that she was going to need something to get her system started.

With breakfast finished, she wondered just how long Sarah was planning on taking that shower. It had almost been forty-five minutes and she was getting worried and annoyed. She needed to go back to her cabana and get her head sorted.

When another fifteen minutes passed, she walked to the bathroom and knocked on the wooden door. Everything in these cabanas were made out of wood so it felt very natural and peaceful.

"Sarah! Open up. Are you okay in there? Open the damn door Sarah!", she screamed.

Hearing no response to her shouting, she thought about her options.

She could continue knocking on the bathroom door, run back and kick it down or she could just wait.

She really wasn't a person with much patience, and she wanted to know what was wrong immediately, so she went with the second option.

Taking a couple steps back she was preparing to run into the door. Thinking it over she didn't want to hurt her sexy body, so she looked around the cabana. Being a bank robber had its advantages.

She knew how to take anything she wanted but to do that she needed to know how to get into classified spaces. She saw a hairpin.

Yureka!, she thought.

This was one of the cheapest tricks in the business. With a tiny little hairpin any door with the correct lock could become open. She pushed it into the bathroom lock and began twisting the knob of the door to get it open.

She kept on trying but the door still wouldn't open up.

"Sarah!", she shouted again.

She put her ear to the door and listened for some indication of life in the bathroom. What she heard instead was tiny aftereffects of laughter. She couldn't believe her ears.

She put her ear against the door deeper to make sure that she wasn't losing her mind. Again, she heard the same sound. She decided that the best way to get back at Sarah was to play along with the game.

She kept on twisting the hairpin to try and open door. She left after a few seconds and went to fill a bucket with water. The bucket came from the kitchen.

It was like it was just waiting for her and she figured out a way to put it to good use. She filled it with water and brought it back to the door of the bathroom. Once again, she began to twist the hairpin into the door lock.

If Sarah was still in her laughing haze, she was definitely in for a surprise.

Amy poured the water onto the ground and watched as it seeped in underneath the bathroom door. She waited to see what Sarah would do. Having the floor soaked was not a pleasant experience for anyone.

After five minutes she heard no sound, the giggles were still going strong and she was honestly becoming frustrated. The game was getting to her. She knocked loudly and when there was no response, she tried to turn the bathroom doorknob. No movement at all, the knob was stiff.

She turned and twisted the stiff instrument until her hands were tired. Nothing seemed to work so she left the door and went back to the dining room. Fifteen minutes later the door finally opened up. When the door opened, Sarah looked refresh and she came in to get breakfast.

Amy didn't even want to question it. She was too tired and speechless.

When they settled into breakfast, Sarah asked Amy if she remembered what happened last night. Amy said no and Sarah got up looking surprised.

She knew why though. The special FBI champagne had memory lost effects.

She got up from her chair and proceeded to move very close to Amy.

"You really don't remember what we did last night. Not even the part where I gave you a great show. I even let you grab my ass. You really don't remember. Wow. I can't even look at you. I need some space between us. After I gave myself to you like that, you don't even remember it. Get out Amy. Get out!", Sarah yelled.

She was laughing triumphantly. Most of what she did was an act. She really did those things last night, but it was because she felt really turned on by the redhead marichimama. She quivered and felt goosebumps just thinking about what happened.

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