Chapter 6

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After Sarah blew up on me, I took a walk down to the beach. That champagne the other night must have seriously knocked me out, because I had no idea what she was talking about.

I saw the seashore and beside it were some rocks. I took a seat on the rocks and looked up at the sky. I guess it was time to start thinking and making some moves.

I don't know if I can hide out here on this island forever. I want to start a family someday, but with the cops bound to be on my back, I don't know how I'm going to make that possible.

I used half of the money from the bank robbery to pay for the cabana expenses and I hid the other half in a place where no one knew.

I hid it close to my heart and with a person I knew I could trust. I know the cops are looking for me, but I can't shake the feeling that they're closer than they appear to be.

After six months and no interference, something felt wrong.

I was in this same position a couple years ago, but I thought it was just me being crazy. I swore to myself that I'd never make that same mistake again, because I ended up in prison. That was all in the past, but it did change my life forever.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I got locked up for a fraud job, but I got off easy with two years and community service. My lawyer was good at what she did.

I was pretty happy to be going to prison. With my parents dead, my life took a turn for the worse.

Things got messed up and I felt like I let my parents down. I messed up and I figured going to prison was a fair punishment.

When the prison guards brought me in, they led me to the cafeteria first. With my new jump suit on, I fit right in with the other inmates. A big woman standing 6 foot tall started staring at me as soon as I went inside.

"Chica get the fuck out. This is my home. I run this shit", she stated staring at me.

Right off the bat as the jail guards led me into the cafeteria, that's the first thing I heard. Prison wasn't supposed to be a challenge.

I survived my parent's death and if losing the people who I cared about the most in the world didn't kill me, I was sure that I could survive this.

"Yo blondie let's get some lunch. Stick with me and La Bruja won't mess with you", one of the other prisoners said as she led me away from the scary giant.

Her name was Sen, short for Senia. She became my friend throughout the days and I never got in trouble after getting lunch with her.

She was also my cellmate. La Bruja stayed away from me and I did the same with her.

In my two years I worked hard on getting my body in shape and studying. For my escape plan, new improvements were needed for body.

I concentrated really hard on the lower area of my abdomen when doing crunches to make sure they got really hard and firm.

Sen and I became very close in those two years. We were inseparable. Sometimes I felt myself staring at her too long and when she was around me, I couldn't stop smiling.

I even caught her staring at me a few times. My body was much more irresistible than it had been when I first went in.

There were weird times when I saw Sen coming from la Bruja's cell, but I didn't question or pay it any mind.

I figured she was just making peace with the bitch because La Bruja was known to be working for a drug lord and she helped supply the other inmates when they wanted to get high.

I was definitely wrong.

One day when I was doing some bench presses outside, and I was on my last set Senia came and spotted me.

"Five more. You got this Blondie, 4,3,2", she said. She started to rub her hands on my arms and my muscles contracted. Her hands felt smooth and soft and my last rep almost crashed down.

"Blondie you got this. Come on do it for me," she said while looking down at me.

I looked up at her and we smiled at the same time. My heart was beating fast and I was tired. Using up all of my strength, I got the energy to lift the last rep of the bars.

'There we go", she said as she stepped back and waited for me to get up.

I got up from the bench press seat and walked off to a quiet corner where there were no cameras. I knew she would follow me.

"Blondie wait up! Why you walking away from me? Blondie?!", she yelled.

When I reached the area and she got close enough, I dragged her and pushed her against a wall.

"Senia. I looked into her eyes. What is this? This cat and mice thing can't go on. Sen I want you and I know you want me too", I said confidently.

I could see her chest heaving up and down and the look in her eyes confirmed my words. She wanted me.

I kissed her forehead and waited for her to start talking. When she didn't, I released her.

"I see, I guess I was wrong", I replied dejected and walked away.

Senia didn't come after me but later in the night when she returned to our cell, she did kiss my forehead. I heard her crying, but I didn't comfort her.

She was keeping something from me and even if she broke my heart that wouldn't stop me from going through with my escape plan.

With my body up to shape and muscles bulked, I had more strength to lift tools.

I could lift tools that could help me make a dent in the underground prison compound and escape. In the daytime, I stole tools whenever I could. I was in charge of doing inventory so it was perfect. It took some convincing but no one wanted to do this job so the Warden gave it to me.

No one would ever suspect that the tools were gone missing unless they actually took the time to count every single one of them. When I had the right tools, I began working at night to drill and stay away from my cell.

Lock down was at 9 PM and it was officially 8:30PM. I had to hurry up and finish drilling then cover it up and run back to my cell without getting caught.

When I reached back Sen was up. I walked in and sat on my bed. We hadn't spoken since that day and I saw no improvement or progress in getting back to how we used to be.

She wasn't talking to me or making any effort to explain herself. When I confessed the other day, this was not what I expected.

In the morning I woke up to an empty cell. Sen left. That was a first but I had to get on with my plan. I went back to doing inventory and when I looked at the list, a new tool had shipped into the prison the previous night.

It was a modification of what I needed to crack a dent big enough to have a penetrable impact on the underground wall.

With the help of some other inmates I was able to get the tool up to the correct standards. When it was nighttime, I was busting out no matter what.

At 5:00 PM, I went straight down to the underground wall. What I found was something that shook my core and broke my heart all over again.

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