Chapter 4

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I feel so confused. Looking back at Sarah, I did want to go for a walk with her, but I don't know what happened to me.

Is it nerves or was it just me? Nah. This chick doesn't get scared off that easily. We got this Amy. Just great! I was talking to myself.

I began walking back to my cabana and when I reached inside, I went to my fridge and grabbed a bottle of champagne.

I left almost immediately heading straight over to Sarah's. I didn't even change out of my bikini.

I knocked on her door and waited for her to come. When she came to the door, I think she was surprised to see me arrive so quickly. All she did was gaze at me in silence.

"Um. Hey are you okay?", I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine", she replied.

She let me in, and I stood in front of her door as she walked further into her cabana.

"Here, I brought some champagne," I told her.

She took it and went to her kitchen to grab some glasses. While she was gone, I looked around the cabana.

Her cabana was slightly bigger than mine. It made me wonder where she got the money to afford it.

I realized that even though we had been friends since that meeting, Sarah and I never really got a chance to get to know each other on a deeper level.

This was the perfect opportunity so when she came back in the room, I took my glass of champagne from her and sat down in her armchair.

She sat in an armchair right next to me. We both took a sip of our champagne and began to let it take its toll on our body.

I felt loose and I knew that I was ready to talk to Sarah.


After Amy declined my offer to walk on the beach, it really hurt and made me confused. I had been undercover as her friend, so I was astonished. Friends normally took walks on the beach.

I still didn't get Amy all this time even though I had her information on files. A walk on the beach was the perfect opportunity to get her to loosen up and open up herself to me more.

Maybe I'd even get her to trust me more so that she would tell me her secrets.

Perhaps the one involving where all the money she stole disappeared to. I knew that would be too easy if it happened. Amy was a hard nut to crack and she really didn't expose much about herself to our group.

When she mentioned that she might be stopping by my cabana later in the night, I rushed home and got the place cleaned up.

All evidence that would make me appear suspicious was hidden. By the time I was done, I felt exhausted and wondered if Amy was still going to show up.

I grabbed a Pellegrino out of my mini fridge and drank the whole bottle.

The next thing I heard was knocking at my cabana door. I went to the door and when I saw Amy, I think I bloody well lost my mind. She looked breath taking in that bikini that I didn't know what to do but stare.

After I let her in and took her champagne, I went to the kitchen and thought of all the ways I would get her to loosen up tonight.

I poured the champagne and when I returned, I saw that she was looking around the place. It's a good thing that I cleaned up.

"Let's take a seat," I said.

While sitting down we both realized that we were positioned really close to each other. I didn't mind Amy being that close to me because it was more of an advantage so that when we were talking, I would get to look directly in her beautiful eyes.

We started off with information about our general background spilling little tidbits about our lives, but we never went deeper.

From what I'd heard so far, Amy was raised in a healthy family but after her dad died it took a toll on her, so she began acting rebellious and got into trouble with her family. After that, she left home to pursue her dreams.

She didn't go into much after that, but she said that she was into retail and stocks and that's how she was able to afford a cabana on this island.

"Wow that was very touching. I'm really glad that you shared so much with me Amy. You're one of the strongest women I've ever known, and I can tell that you've been through a lot even without that story. I'm in real estate if you were wondering. It's not the job I wanted, but it pays the bills and it helps me afford vacations like this", I told her.

"Thanks for taking the time to listen Sarah. I'm really happy that I met you here. You're a great friend", Amy said and then she kissed me on the cheek. I blushed.

I hadn't received so much physical contact from Amy before and it was making my heart do crazy things.

I kissed her back on her cheeks and at that moment we got lost in a similar trance like the first time when we met each other.

Amy was looking at me very deeply. As her hands started reaching out to touch my cheeks, I fake coughed and backed away.

"We should get some more drinks. All this talking is making me thirsty", I said as I got up and went into the kitchen leaving Amy confused.

Amy took the time to think and get herself back in check.

I switched the champagne with a specially made FBI parcel that drugged people.

I filled my glass with the normal champagne that Amy brought and gave Amy the drugged FBI one.

Amy was a heavy drinker so it didn't affect her, but drinking beyond my usual levels affected me.

I really loosened up. The effects of the champagne began to take over my body. I moved closer to Amy, sat in her lap and turned around to face her.

"Amy, I want to dedicate this dance to you but first let me get some music on", I told her. I got up out of her lap and went for the remote for the sound system.

I clicked until I found the playlist I was looking for. Take it off by 8ball and MJG came on. I started to sway my hips to the beat of the song and soon my clothing began to disappear.

Amy looked speechless. She watched as I continued to dance eventually walking back over to her. I sat in her lap again and started to grind my ass against her crotch.

Amy grabbed onto me because from the looks I was giving her, she knew I was way beyond my normal state of mind, and she didn't want me to lose my balance and fall on the floor.

This went on throughout the rest of the night with the both of us periodically refilling our champagne glasses.

After boozing out we collapsed on my bed together. Amy had her body curled up behind mine. We were completely knocked out and neither of us got what we wanted.

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