Chapter 7

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When the sun rose, the residents of the island woke up with the prospect of having a wonderful day.

Sarah walked out of her cabana and down to the breakfast hall. She waited for the other girls to come from their own cabanas because she wanted to make sure she had them at the same spot when she would pop the question.

When the girls came in the hall, they saw her, and they got a big table where they could all sit together.

Nicole, Mary and Sheila were looking fabulous in their bikinis.

When they went for breakfast, Nicole and Sarah got the same food items.

Looking at the buffet in front of them, everyone had a wide variety of food to choose from.

Sheila and Mary were walking around the room, one in front of the other. Suddenly, Sheila came to a halt in the middle of the hall. Mary who was right behind her shifted her body. With her military skills, she didn't want to look foolish getting hurt while doing trivial tasks.

She looked at what had caused the halt of Sheila and when she saw it, she too was intrigued. Labeled on the menu bar was the sign "Caribbean Feast." Both women were eager to try it, so they rushed into the line that was attracting other vacationers and waited.

On the other hand, Nicole and Sarah settled for their usual breakfast. Sarah had fruits and porridge with tea while Nicole had crackers with butter.

The Caribbean food line was packed and the two girls were getting frustrated. Sheila looked at the person in front of her thinking of ways to get to the front of the line faster.

Mary was frustrated but she had other things on her mind. The military had been calling her about getting back on the field. She looked at the back of Sheila's head and thought inwardly ′why is this taking so long?'. Sheila looked back at her and smiled.

The stripper had come up with a plan that would get her stomach and pocket fed. Sheila smiled and that's when Mary started to admire her lips.

Sheila turned back around and tapped the gentleman standing in the way of her food. She waited for him to turn around and when he, she kissed his cheek. She looked at his face and was pleased with his reaction. She proceeded with her plan and took her lipstick out of her purse to write her number in his hand.

The man smiled. She had one more move to make and to make it work she would need assistance from Mary. Gently, she pulled the woman behind her closer to her body and slipped the man a card.

Almost immediately after reading the card, the man left the line and the buffet was finally in view for the women. There were all different Caribbean foods in their sight.

It ranged from Ackee and Salt Fish with Breadfruit all the way to Jerked Pork with Roasted Corn. They filled their plates with numerous food items and brought it to their table.

Sarah and Nicole were halfway through their breakfast when they returned, but Amy was nowhere in sight. Sarah was worried but she didn't want to get her because the last time they spoke it didn't end well.

"Where's Amy?", Sheila asked before digging into her food. Mary shrugged and everyone resumed eating their food. Sarah was on edge. Her eyes constantly checked the dining room with no luck. She didn't want to tell everyone about the yacht trip without having Amy present.

"Guys lets go and find Amy", she suggested.

When they finished their breakfast, Mary ran after Sheila. She trailed behind her as the woman walked along the pool side. Mary stayed as far behind her as she could.

She didn't want Sheila to know that she was following her. Once again like in the dining hall, Sheila made an abrupt stop and although Mary was far behind her she managed to bump into a pool chair.

She bit her tongue and let the pain erase itself from her memory. Sheila kept on walking and then she picked up speed and ran away. Mary continued walking with the same ongoing pace and distance knowing that the woman couldn't run forever.

In her sight, she could still see the back of Sheila's head then, "Boo!". Out of nowhere, Sheila appeared in front of her leaving Mary speechless.

"Look what we have here. I knew you'd come after me," Sheila said while looking at Mary suspiciously. Mary was silent.

"Hmm, well if you're not going to talk, you'll be sorry," Sheila spoke in a sultry purring voice. Mary said nothing. Sheila walked towards her until there was no space between them.

She took a strand of Mary's hair and moved it behind her ear. When the ear was in sight, she blew on it. Mary shivered but she didn't show it on the outside. She remained still.

Not getting the response she wanted, Sheila kissed her cheek. She couldn't bring herself to treat Mary like her usual exploits.

"What do you want? I'm busy and I don't have time for this. The next time you feel like coming after me speak, use your lips, do something or we'll both regret it", she said while looking at her strangely. With that she walked off leaving Mary standing by the pool side in her thoughts.


When she left, I let out a breath of relief. I don't know what happened back there. All I remember is going after her to find out what happened this morning. Sheila was an interesting woman and I'd never seen someone as sexy and brilliant all in one package before.

Being in the military, I had no time for romance let alone time to be thinking about someone else. I came here to relax and breathe.

Life isn't easy on the battlefield and after seeing my friends lose their lives for America, it left me bitter. Why fight for something that will never end?! It makes me think back to why I joined the army in the first place.

Growing up all I ever wanted to do was to help people and serve my country. All my friends and family encouraged me and said they were proud of me. If only they knew what I'd be doing. If I was to go in detail of what I did, I don't think anyone would look at me the same ever again.

These girls on this island have been great to me and for the last six months, I feel like maybe I've been given a second chance to fix the mess that I created.

I think I've got to explain myself to Sheila first. 

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