Chapter Fifteen

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Ria was dumbfolded, blind and stupid. She let herself get into the situation she is in now. Which is being stuck in the storage room of the school with Matt. Ria was tired, she used up all her energy in throwing the bottles of cleaning products at Matt.

"Talking doesn't use up much energy"

She didn't say a word but let her head lean against the brick wall.

"I told them not to let us out until we talk"

"What is there to talk about?"

"Would you let me explain?"

Again, she didn't say a word but gave him a cold glare.

"I left my house early to pick you up on your birthday but I ran into some guys that I have history with on the way and they kind of gave me a beating. Lisa found me and was taking care of me"

"You didn't bother to call or text me?"

"I lost my phone that day"

"Ironic, because I recall you sending me a text saying that you were better off without me"

"Ria, we both know that isn't true"

"I don't know anything anymore, Matthew"

"I still love you"

His words hit her like a bullet. She closed her eyes.

"You hurt me"

"I know I did, and Ria, I will never do it again" He moved closer to her, getting on his knees so they were on the same level

"I- I can't just let go of it like that. I need time, I need space. I need to get out of here"

Ria panicked and yelled for whoever was behind the door. Luckily the person had enough common sense to let her out. She grabbed her bag and ran to the other side of campus. There was an old fence behind the building which no one could see.

She tossed her bag over the fence before attempting to climb. Her legs moved quickly so they wouldn't get cut, but it was her skirt which experienced a small tear. When she was off school grounds, she began running.

The rest of the gang were worried. No one had an excuse to why Ria never showed up to third period, or the rest of the day. Her phone was off and there was no way of contacting her.

Sunset came around too soon, and still no sign of Ria. 

Matt was loosing his mind, blaming himself for scaring Ria and making her do what she did.

Caesar was the one who lured Ria back home. A simple message from Nan left her running but home to her Nan's embrace

" Where have you been?" Nan was crying, hugging me.

"I'm sorry Nan, I needed space"

"Kore rawa ano ( Never again)"

I nodded kissing her forehead.

Unfortunately, the rest didn't like my disappearance and threatened to fasi me 

"What happened?" - Suli

"I said a few words to Matt. Geeze, I don't want to love him"

"But you do" - Lani

"Yes ... "

"If he makes you happy-"

"He does, at times. But I'm just so mad at him"

"The feelings for him, are they still there?" - Suli

"I don't know"

"Only one way to find out. If he kissed another girl, what would you think?"

"I would punch him"

"Because?" - Lani

"He is kissing another girl"

"Would you be jealous?"

"I don't know" I breathe.

"I don't know anymore" I put my head in my hands

"I don't know if I love him, I don't know who he is, I- I don't know who I am anymore"

"Ria, Ria listen to us, you love him. And as much as you hate him right now, you will always fall back in love with him" They both nodded.

"I don't want to if it means I get hurt. I mean look at him, there is someone out there better than me. Some girl out there who deserves him. Not me. There are a million other girls in the world and-"

"Ria listen to yourself. There are a million other girls in the world, and he picked you" Lani gripped onto both of my wrists

They were right. 

I dropped my bag and began running.

Once I arrived at his house, I noticed his mums car isn't parked out front and knocked on his door.

The door opened revealing him, shirtless. He wore a look on his face that looked like he wasn't pleased to see me.

"Hi" I swallowed the lump in my throat and said the first word. Still, this boy could make my knees weak in the smallest ways.

"What do you want?" He said sighing, while running his hands through his hair.

Ughhh can he not?

He cleared his throat once more, "Ria? Why are you here?"

"I think I love you"

"You think? ... Your unsure?"

"No. I . Matthew, I love you"

He did nothing. 



"Do you love me?"


"Are you sure? This is your last chance to back away from this relationship. Because I'm not letting you leave me ever again"

"I love you" I smiled holding onto his cheek. He lifted me by the waist and planted a kiss on my lips.


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