Chapter Seven

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RIA'S POV *next afternoon*

My objective for as long I can? Stay as far away as possible from Matt & Lani.

But a million questions run through my head. Lani knew I had a crush on Matt, why was she with him alone? Did our kiss mean nothing to Matt? Do they even care about me? Different answers, alone with questions run through my head.

We are in our free (last period for today), and what do you know? Matt & Lani aren't in the library.

"What's up with you girl?" Suli asks.

"It's to stupid to even be brought up" I answer.

"Is it that bad? What happened?" She replies while putting her pen down.

"I um..... I saw Lani & Matt alone last night at the park. I thought it was nothing until they hugged. Why would Lani do this? I don't even know why I care" I question. Her face is filled with hesitation.

"You care because your in love with Matt. And for that other thing, I have no idea but I'll be right back" she gets up from her seat and grabs her phone.

Where is everyone today? I sling my bag over my back and smile since that was our last period. I walk out the gates alone, but find Suli waiting for me. My phone buzzes

Lani -
Cuz, I'll pick up Hua.... See you later xx

"Lani's picking up Hua, guess we could go and eat or something" I tell Suli.

"Sweet as, let's get something, I'm hungry" she replies.

"when aren't you" I laugh. We link arms and walk down the road.

"Have you seen Matt & Lani today?" I ask.

"I've seen Lani, Matts at some family thing up in Wellington." She answers.

"Eh, ok" reply. We walk into Wendy's & order.

As we eat our food, I can see the faces Suli is making to the little kids sitting behind us. I laugh as they both exchange weird faces.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Those kids challenged me to a face off, and I'm the master of the face game" she answers.

"When was my best friend the same age as my nephew?" I laugh. She pokes her tongue out as we finish off our food.

We walk out and begin to walk home. I hear Suli's phone ring as she answers it.

"Yeah, we're on our way.... Yeah..... We just came from Wendy's..... Because Ria ate all the left overs...... Go get your own.... Yeah see you soon" she says into the phone.

"Who was it" I ask. "Lani, she called you a poaka momona (fat pig) for eating all the food" she laughs.

"Hey, it was you" I argue. We smile & walk home. As we arrive on my street, Suli calls out

"race ya".

"Suli, I'm not in the mood for running" I call out, but I'm too late as she has already started to run.

She disappears into my front yard as I continue to walk at a normal pace. Our house, is quiet..... Too quiet.

As I unlock the gate, I am hugged by Hua. He is wearing black pants & a white shirt. I pick him up & read what the shirt says.

Will you be mine?

I put Hua down and find Matt standing in front of me. I read what his shirt says.

Kiss if yes, hug if no

On the couch outside, Lani, Suli, Nan & Aunty. Isn't this a little embarrassing. I have no idea how these situations go, how to answer or anything like that. I stand and just think through what is happening.

I want to say yes, but I also want to reject him. Have you ever had that feeling before? I haven't & it's puzzling my mind. I drop my bag and run. Not inside, but down the road and to the park I was at last night. I can hear the calls in the background, but I don't look back. I just continue to run as far as I can.

I stop at the park and sit on the bench In front of the pond. What just happened? Well, Matt asked you out & you ran off crying is what happened.

I know that's what happened but why did I run off crying? You ran of crying because your afraid your not good enough for him.

I rest my face in my hands and continue to cry. I've never been involved with a guy like the way I am with Matt, and I never even thought of having something as slight as a hug with a guy. Matt has really made an impact in my life.

"Hey Ria" I feel warm hands wrap around my shoulders.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" he begins to rub my back.

"It's ok, I'm just..... not ready. At the moment" I confess.

"Well, when your ready, let me know" I rest my head on his shoulder.

"thanks Matt" I smile.

"For what?" He questions.

"For giving the effort to get to know me. For planning all this & for everything. I'm probably stupid not to accept your q-" he placed his finger on my lip meaning I should stop talking.

"If your not ready, I'll wait. I'll even wait a thousand years for you, Ria" his words made me cry even more.

"That's what I'm afraid of Matt. I'm not good enough for you yet your willing to wait a long time for me." I cry into his shoulder.

"Your wrong. I'm not good enough for you" he lifts my chin and places the loose strands of hair behind my ear.

We sat in silence and just watched the ducks in the pond. His arm was wrapped around my shoulder and my face rested on his shoulder. We remained silent, enjoying each other's company. As the sun sets, I break our silence.

"We should um.... We should... I should go" I get up from the bench and walk home. As I enter, I find everyone eating dinner.

"Ria, are you ok" Aunty asks,

"yeah, I think I just need some sleep" I walk to my room and fall onto the bed.
Done, done, done
Matt & Ria?

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