Chapter Two

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The door is opened, followed by Matt. Great? The most popular guy at school is going to watch me entertain kiddies. He has a puzzled look on his face as he obseves me. I stare directly at the wooden floor inside the house.

I clear my throat.

"Uh, i'm here for the kids" Seriously? I sound like a freaking kidnapper after I said that.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asks leaning against the door. Shewt! All of a sudden he decided to take notice of me today?

"nah, Beyonce lives in America" I joke.

We both laugh for a bit before he allows me inside. I meet Keira, shes Samoan/Maori and a tomboy, which explains the Warrior princess. She's also very pretty for a 6 year old. It should be illegal to be that pretty. She probably gets it from her Mama.

Her dad is no where to be found which is sad, but atleast his family care enough to support her mum with Keira. I play around with the kids for a while before its time for her cake. And gawwd damn is her cake the bomb, it's made into Spongebob. Meaning it actually looks like Spongebob. Althrougout the party, Matt is eyeing me suspiciously. Creep?

It's time for me to leave and her mum kindly hands me the $250, 50 for work and 200 for me! mwaha. I give her a smile as she returns the smile to me. I leave the house and begin to walk down the pathway. I feel a hand around my arm causing me to turn around.

"I know that smile anywhere, Ria" He smirks.

"Let go of me Matt" I shake my arm off his grip.

"Why didnt you tell me it was you?" He asks placing his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, I forgot that the captain of the rugby team was supposed to know my where abouts" I sarcastically roll my eyes.

"A kid entertainer? Seriously? You couldnt go for something simple like Maccas of something?" He practically laughs.

"Maybe we all cant be as populaur as you! Maybe some people are desperate to take care of their family. But how would you know? You have a perfect life" I walk away as I feel tears fall.

He runs after me.

"Sorry Ria. Sometimes i'm like that and I can't help it. Are you ok?" He pulls me into his chest but I pull back.

" I'm fine. I can take care of myself, and why would you care? I mean your not my boyfriend" I take out my phone and call Caesar.

All throughout the ride, I am silent.

"Ok, Whats up?" He parks on the side of the road and turns to me.

"Nothing, why would something be wrong?" I look out my window.

"Because, your never this silent AND I saw you with a guy before I picked you up. Did he rape you or something?" He asks.

"It's nothing. I'm fine, I just want to go home?" I continue to look out.

He shrugs before he resumes driving. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving out the car door.

"You know you can tell me anything" He says.

"I know" I whisper quietly.

I find Rehua passed out on the couch. The effects of drinking too much coke, I think to myself. I lift him up and rest his head on my shoulder. I carry him to his room and place him on his tiny bed while covering him with blankets.

Before I knew I feel asleep on his bed aswell. (Poor thing, I'm taking up all the space in his bed)

Sunshine hits my eyes as I open them. I see Rehua curled up to a ball around my arm. He is just too cute. I carefully get up and check the time not wanting to wake the little bubble. 6:51, my clock reads. Half of my body is literally hanging of his bed.

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