Chapter Sixteen

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Ria's Pov

It took an entire month for Matt & Ria to arrive where they left there relationship, but they still didn't connect as well as they used to. Ria would always be afraid to leave Matt alone, knowing well that there would be a girl who would hit on him.  Still, the attention was something Ria shook off like a bad tummy ache.

"Don't look them in the eye. They are just jealous that we have what they don't" was what he would always said to me whether we were walking down the halls, in the streets, around the playground / field or just anywhere public.

Don't forget that you gotta pick up Hua since the rest of us are off on that trip kay, love you cous x

Ria stared at her phone and read the message sent by her cousin. How could she ever forget her beloved nephew? Only he was the only boy she could ever love more than Matt.

"I'm going to the library" I leaned up and whispered into his ear.

"Want me to come with?" He held on tightly to her hand, restricting her from walking away.

"No, go with your boys or get some rest before your trip" Ria did feel guilty tho. He had barely spent time with his mates since they got back together.


"Go. Go have some fun ok. I'll be fine" I smiled pushing him away from me.

"Be safe, I'll see you after school" he kissed my forehead and watched me walk into the library block.

The whole day Ria was bored to the max. Having class with none of her friends, Matt missing Geography due to a rugby trip & no other friends, she had nothing to do basically. There would be girls who would greet her in the hallways, but that was only because of Matt. They weren't her real friends.

Ria didn't mind tho. She was used to it and gone through it for all her schooling years until last year when Suli moved to Oc. She just simply plugged in her earphones and let the sound of Lauryn Hill entertain her.


As Ria walked down to the gate, she felt two hands cover her eyes. She placed her hand on the strangers' and instantly knew who it was and smiled.

"Matt" she jumped onto him. A whole day without anyone was something she didn't like.

"I'm taking you out for lunch" He smiled squeezing her hand

"Where we off to?" She questioned



"Max Brenner, egg"

"What's that?"

"You haven't been there?"

"No, what is it"

"You'll love it" He smiled once more holding her hand and walking out of school.

The two arrived into MB'z with the smell of melted chocolate conquering their noses. Ria's eyes lit up as she saw the gigantic barrels of chocolate being mixed.

She took a table in the middle of the store, so she could see every single part of this new found restaurant. She had the same reaction as a 4 year old in a candy store for the first time.

He came back and smiled at her again. Her face was priceless, Matt loved seeing her like this.

"If there's one like this for chocolate, would there be one like this for strawberries?"

Matt laughed, having no idea that Ria was serious. She scrunched up her nose and furrowed her eyebrows.

He leant over and kissed her on the forehead, just then, her phone rang.

It was Monica, from Hua's day care.

Ria reached to grab her phone when Matt grabbed it first and switched her phone off.

"Babe, no distractions. Just me and you" He rubbed her hand.

Ria was about to argue when their food arrived. Two plates, both filled with chocolate waffles smothered in chocolate sauce, a small bowl of strawberries & banana's  and chocolate ice cream along with a small bowl of melted chocolate.

Matt had ordered Ria a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream while he had vanilla ice cream in his.

As soon as she'd finish praying, she dug into her food like no tomorrow.

"Babe, we're in public remember" 

Ria's face went red as she grabbed a napkin to wipe the chocolate off her mouth.

They began talking about anything and everything, sharing news about one another, it was just what the two needed to get back on track. A simple chocolate themed date was all they needed.

They didn't leave MB'z til almost sunset.

Once they reached Ria's home, the twins were outside with Lani, Caesar & Chas, the front door was still open.

Ria had an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She didn't know if it was all the chocolate coming back up or something else.

"Ria! Where have you been? " - Lani

"I was out with Matt"

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" - Caesar

"I turned it off"

"Bloody hell" Chas said in a low voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Ria, Hua's missing"

Now this, this is something new Ria experienced. She dropped to the ground before anyone could catch her.


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