Chapter Thirteen

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Ria's Pov

I wake up Hua who is beside me.

"Mornin Hua" I kiss his cheek before lifting him up.

"Happy birthday Bub, your growing into a fine wahine (women)" Nan smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek. Oh shit.... That's what I forgot.

"thanks nan" I smile back.

"Is Matiu doing something special for you?" She smirks.

'Nan!" I yell.

"Believe or not. I was your age once, and your Koro was quite the man" she smiles.

"And he made me feel like I was the only girl" she sighs.

"But enough about me and koro, I'm happy for you Wikitoria. Your growing into the women I've raised you to be. " She kisses the top of my forehead.

After feeding Hua, I get us both ready for the day.

"Bye nan" we both call out before walking out the door. As I look over to our gate, I don't see Matt there like how he usually is. Maybe he just late, or he's busy. We begin to walk since I don't want to appear as a clingy/controlling girlfriend.

"Buh-byee Ria. I luv you" Hua's broken english makes me smile. He will forever be one of the only people I need.

"Bye Hua. I love you too" I kiss him before letting him go inside.

I walk to school.

As I passed, everyone was wishing me a happy birthday. I wasn't one to love all the attention, especially now since I was dating the captain of the rugby team. The attention was something I ignored, I didn't like it but continued to smile at everyone.

"Victoria Emeline Wairua Tihore ..... errmahhgashh your eighteen! K, I'll read you my storybook speech later , Bahahaha . Love you girl" Suli gave me a hug.

"Thanks S, love you"

"Your blessed with me V" She wasn't wrong, she was my go-to gal.

"Happy birthday cousin, I love you so much" Lani hugged me

"So what did Matt get you?"

"I haven't seen him today"

"Oh... he's probably just running late"

Fist period went by and no one knew where Matt was. I kept saying to mysekf the same thing throughout the day, "He'll be here soon". 

Suli noticed the pain behind Ria's eyes that she tried so hard so hide. With no reply from the text Suli sent Matt, she grew worried. Matt always had his phone on him, there was no excuse for Matt to not answer a text. Lani tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail, the two girls had no clue where Matt was

The end of the day came too quick, He wasn't here. He didn't show up to school.

Suli & Lani ran out of excuses for Matt, and saw their best friend  ready to cry.

"He's probably just spending the day to get something ready for you" - Suli

I believed what she said and smiled, Lani nodded. We walked to go pick up Hua.

"Did you have a good day?" I asked giving him a hug.

"I made you something" he handed me a card.

The front said 'I love you Ria' with a small drawing of me and Hua. I kissed his forehead and put the card in my bag.

By the time we all reached home, there was music blasting from the backyard. Entering the front door, I was tackled down by Ahua & Eliana. 

"Happy birthday baby cousin. You have grown so much and we are so glad that you found love and you're happy" they both kissed me on the cheek. 

Lani's brothers + Caesar were outside cooking the BBQ with uncle and I saw faces I haven't seen since my brothers funeral. I finally saw my family, people who didn't life nearby anymore are now in my backyard.

"How was school today bub?" Nan gave me a hug.

"Same old Nan, is Matt here?"

"No, but I'm sure he'll be here later. Hunter told him about today"

"Oh, ok Nan. I'll be right back" I ran to the bathroom and fixed up my teary eyes. 

"Why are you crying!?" Eliana's voice made me jump.

"I'm just happy" I smiled linking arms with her and walking outside.

Throughout the whole night, I kept saying he'll be here soon. Looking at the front door every 5 seconds, the door never opened. It was almost 11pm and the face  I needed to see wasn't here.

"I need to get something from the shop. I'll be back soon" 

"I'll get it for you, what is it?" - Caesar

" Nah, I'm fine getting it"

"Then i'll drop you off"

"It's ok. I'll be safe" 

As soon as I was out the door I began running. Running to Matt's house.

As soon as I got there, his mum got out of her car.

"Hey Mrs Ioane" I smiled walking to her.

"Hi Ria. Happy Birthday" She smiled back.

"Thanks. Is Matt home?"

"I'm not sure. I just got home. Your welcome to check." She opened the front door. I walked upstairs to his room. His light was off but that didn't stop me from throwing open his door.

But boy, did I regret opening his door.

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