Chapter Eight

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Today was our grand finals which was nerve-racking. These past few days have been good, me & Matt are just good friends. I told him that I was ready on Wednesday but I think he's had a change of mind. Just good friends. This was our last period before we had to get ready for our game. Both teams were pumped for the finals, I remained neutral, holding in my nerves.

I kick back on the couch in the library with Suli & Lani.

"Hey, Ria" Lani snaps her fingers.

"It's Matt's birthday today aye" Birthday? I didn't even know. What kind of good friend forgets her other good friends birthday? Obviously me.

"Man I forgot" I admit.

"Naughty girl" she grins before whispering something into Suli's ear and making Suli grin.

I shrug it off and look to where Matt and his 'crew' are sitting. I didn't even realise him looking at me, we stared into each other's eyes. Even a few meters away, his honey brown eyes are still mesmerising. I smile, breaking eye contact and hide my face in my hair.

"You excited for today's game?" Suli asks me.

"Yeah, cos we gonna win" I smile as she high fives me.

"You know he loves you Ria" Lani tells me.

"I know" I smile.

"Would the netball & rugby team report to the gym" an announcement is made.

Cheers fill the library as we all get up. "Shhh" the librarian yells causing us to all laugh. I hug Lani bye before grabbing my bag and walking beside Suli.

"Far I'm excited" Suli smiles while linking her arm to mine.

"Same here" I smile back. We arrive at the gym.

"Ok guys, the bus is waiting out front" Mr Taupo informs us. We all get our name marked off before walking to the front and getting into the bus. I feel Matt's smirk as he passes our seat and sits at the back.

"You know, I'm never going to get the relationship you's have unless your actually dating" Suli says.

"I told you, our 'relationship' is just friends" I tell her.

"Just friend... For now" I can hear her softly mumble.

We arrive at the sports grounds to find the opposing rugby team already here. We all exchange 'good luck's' before walking off separately to our courts/field.

"Ok girls, you's have made it this for and I couldn't be more proud" Ms Kingi smiles.

"Remember our game doesn't start until an hour so you guys are free for a bit" she reminds us. Everyone walks off to the rugby field.

"Hey, can't we do something else" I pull Suli's arm.

"No, we're watching your boyfriends game. C'mon" she drags me to the rugby stands.

It was already 10 minutes into the game. Our girls are standing up and crazily cheering while I'm just sitting down.

"C'mon OC!" Everyone yells. Our school scores the first try and they are all jumping up and down. Matt aims to kick the ball into the goal,

"Go Matthew" I yell. He kicks and gets it in.

Weird eyes form on Suli's face as she stares at me. The other school, known as St. Paul's score a try. As it hits half-time, the score is 16-24. Our guys are only winning by two tries.

"Hey, you guys are playing well" Suli compliments.

"Thanks. What about you Ria? Did you think I played well" Matt smirks.

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