Chapter Twenty

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It was a whole two hours before someone found Ria. The woman called the ambulance with no hesitation before having an attempt to lift Ria. There was blood everywhere. 

Within the next ten minutes, the ambulance was there and was helping Ria into the truck. 


The next morning her family was worried, no one realised she was missing until then. Luckily a nurse from the hospital recognised Ria from the time the family was there for Hua and identified her. This sent the entire family racing to the hospital.

They were all dodging people and tables to get to the front desk. The lady there sent them to the waiting room until Ria gained consciousness. The family was worried, and had so many questions on their minds. Ria spent the last 9 hours in surgery.

By the time it hit noon, the family was finally relieved to hear Ria was out of surgery and awake. Everyone entered her room.

"Who's there?" She was sitting up, facing the blank wall in front of her.

The whole family was very confused, but only Nan knew what this meant.

"Ummm Ria?" 


"What the f-" - Lebron

"Ria..." Eliana took a seat on her beat and grabbed her hands.

"Ria baby...." Ria began crying as Eliana pulled her into a hug.

"Baby-" Ria interrupted her

"Eli I can't see.... I can't see you guys"

This caused everyones jaw to drop and cry.


Ria was cleared to leave two weeks later. Nan & Aunty Theresa had to rethink her entire life now. Would she still stay at the same school? Obviously she would have to drop out of the team. No more driving, who would take care of Nan now that Ria felt useless.

She had a pair of dark sunglasses and a cane, she wore and brought them wherever she went. Lani decided to move in to assist her cousin and Nan.

But school...

"Cuz, we can always move you" -Caesar

Otahuhu might have given Ria a hard time, but it was her home. There was some judgemental and cold people but also some nice and welcoming students. Ria didn't care anymore, let them judge her, since they obviously have nothing better to do.

"I won't live my life in fear, I may not be able to see physically, but I can see emotionally and spiritually, no fear cousin"

"Spoken like a true winner. You can start next-" -Chas


"Are you sure bub?" Aunty Theresa placed her hand on Ria's shoulder.

"Yes aunty" Ria placed her hand on top of her auntys, she was warm and happy

"Alrighhhhht Ri, I'll help you with everything" Lani smiled.

Caesar & Chas didn't like the thought of Ria going back to her school, her cousins couldn't protect her forever. But Ria wasn't vulnerable, the girl could fight, with or without sight. 


Even though Ria was blind, she sensed everyones eyes was still on her. She relied on her ears more now. It was silent, but she could feel the warm bodies in the hallways. Lani and Suli were beside her.

Loud whispers drowned the hallways, no one really knew how to whisper at OC anyways.

The bell rang.

"You two go, I'll be fine" Ria said to the two girls before walking off. She knew her way around the school like the back of her hand, it was just the people she needed to worry about. She had a firm grip on her cane and started walking. 


Ria continued to spend her free periods in the music rooms, with the piano. 

It made her forget she was blind.

It was her new escape to the world.

Little did she know Matt was standing behind her. Watching her, she played with no mistakes. She played perfectly. She was perfect.

She began to sing

If I ain't got nothing

I got you

If I ain't something, I don't give a damn

Cos I got it with you

I don't know much about algebra but I know

1 + 1 + 2

And it's me and you,That's all we'll have when the world is through

She heard a sigh from behind her and stood up.

"Who's there?..... Lani? Suli?"

She inhaled the familiar perfume.

"OH, it's just you" She said before sitting back down. He sighed once more than sat beside her.


"Matthew don't you dare speak to me. I don't need your sympathy. I'm doing just fine, your not my boyfriend anymore so go away. You don't need to care about me"

She paused and waited for a response.

"Your wrong"

"Excuse me?"

"Ria you are wrong"

"No, You need understand that-"

Matt was tired of fighting with Ria, so to shut her up he crashed his lips into hers.

She pulled back and held onto his face. Running her hands over ever feature of her face. She imagined his face the way she remembered, but she felt a scar below his left eyebrow. Tears fell through her eyes once more, she was sad she couldn't see him.

He saw the tears leave her eyes and removed her glasses. Her eyes were red with grey orbs,  tears flowing out of them. The sight made his eyes water as well. Matt pulled her into a hug.

She fit perfectly in him.

The two didn't know that almost all of year 12 were watching them, even a few teachers + Drew and Lebron. The only people who weren't crying were a few of the boys who were whistling instead.


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