Chapter Three

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I am currently in History with my face down in my history book recording all the information on the board. I hear the door open as everyone looks to see who it is, I don't. I just keep my face down in my book.

"Uh, can I get Victoria Tihore?" I look up to see a guy not far from my age. Maybe a year older or two. He hands my teacher a note. I take in his appearance, he is tall and masculine with jet black hair. I shrug before packing my stuff away and swinging my bag around my shoulders.

As we walk out, I notice a birthmark on his neck. A familiar crescent I haven't seen in 10 years to be exact.

"Shaun" I jump onto his back.

Shaun is Lani's 18 year old brother. Kailani has 3 older brothers and 2 little ones. She's the only girl.

"When were you going to notice, cuz?" He smirks before putting me down.

"Oh sorry if 10 years was a long time to change a fattys appearance" I laugh.

"It's good to see you too cuz" he chuckles.

"Are you's all here?" I ask.

"Yeah. I bet Lani's excited as." He agrees while guides me to a familiar van.

He hops into the front as I do the same in the back.

"Sup Cuz" Lucas, the oldest brother of Lani's says.

"Hey Chas (my nickname for him" )I smile.

"Far it's been ages since I've heard that" he replies before driving off.

Like Shaun, Lucas has changed as well. Tall and built like Shaun except Lucas has a tattoo that runs behind his left ear and along his neck.

"Nan's been telling us how you've changed" Shaun speaks up.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She said you've gone quiet. You stopped playing the violin & you barely go out in the weekends" Lucas states.

"So what? What if I haven't been out with my friends? What if I stopped being loud & wild? What if I did quit playing the violin?" I question.

"It's just, it's not what every teenage girl would do. And you where mad at the violin. Why'd you stop?" Shaun replies.

"I just..... When you guys left, I wasn't myself anymore. I wasn't one to talk anymore and I wasn't really a party girl anyways. " I explain.

"Hey turn here, I need to get Hua" I tell them.

Lucas pulls to the side before giving me a puzzled look. Okay, story time.

"Um, Rehua is..... Well..... Was Jason's son. As soon as he was born, baby mamma left him with me & Nan" I explain before letting out a deep sigh. Lucas restarts the van and drives off. I guide him to the daycare.

As he parks, we all get off. I can tell they are both excited & sad to meet Rehua.

"Hey Stace, need to pick him up early today" I say before she smiles and gets up from her desk. Several minutes later, I feel two small arms hug my leg.

"Hua" I call out before picking him up. I carry him to Lucas & Shaun.

"Hey Hua, these are your uncles. Shaun & Lucas" I introduce them.

"Kia Ora" he smiles. The both give him a hongi before we all get into the car. Lucky Lucas had a spare car seat in the back.

As we arrive home. I see a moving truck in the next block and infront I see someone known as Aunty Teresa. Lucas beeps the car twice while passing the house. We drive past and drive to our house. I see the front door is open. So they just invited themselves in?

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