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Chapter Two~ Fight
×I don't own Young Justice. All characters are belong to DC Comics. Thank you~


The streets of Gotham City weren't safe. Everywhere was surrounded by crime and murderers.

Dick was still pissed at Bruce and the team because they didn't care to listen to him. None of them did. And they yelled at him. So, he ran away to show Bruce, what has he done.

"Stupid Bruce, stupid Artemis, stupid Kid Flash, stupid Black Canary, stupid everyone who didn't listen to me! What would have happen if they listen me for once?" He muttered to himself.

That was when his telephone started beeping telling someone was calling. It was Barbra. Dick needed a friend now and it couldn't be Wally. Because he was angry at Kid Flash. So, Barbra was the best choice.

"Hello?" Dick answered the phone.

"Dick? Where are you?" She asked.

"Out. Why?'

"Bruce called me and asked if I saw you. What do you mean 'out' ?" Barbra asked again.

"I mean out. I won't tell you place. You don't need to worry about it, Babs." Dick answered again.

"Dick, please. He has been worrying about you."

"Why would he? He doesn't care. He doesn't even listen me. He probably asked you because we were going to patrol tonight."

"Dick you've been gone for five hours! He's your father! It's normal to getting worry. So shut up and go back to the manor back!" Barbra yelled at her best friend.

Dick didn't really need her to tell him about going back to the manor. Because until Bruce apologizes, he wasn't going to that place again.

"No, bye!" He closed the phone and ran to a corner. He felt like he was going to cry. He needed his father to hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay. But Bruce stopped doing it one year ago.

"I wish I was dead... There's nothing to live anymore...No one to love and nothing to miss." He whispered something like those words over and over again. And then he fell asleep.

Meanwhile At The Watchtower

"I can't believe he is gone! Bruce, he is thirteen, dammit, thirteen years old! How could you tell at him before listening him!" Wonder Woman yelled at Batman.

"It's been only five hours. We'll find him! You'll see!" Batman said back. He was upset about Dick. But he knew Dick would come back and everything would be okay like before. He didn't even think about apologizing, yet.

"Well yeah! If he is in Gotham, if he's not already captured by Joker or someone, we will. Like Hell!" Superman screamed. He was mad at Bruce either. Clark was worry because his nephew was out of there and who knows where.

"He went out as Bruce's son. Not Batman's partner! This is worse! Ransom! Villains want money! Do you remember when Riddler kidnapped Dick for ransom!?" Flash was next to yell.

"And, it didn't end well. We have to find him. Not argue over him. Get a hold of yourselves and help me to find him!" Batman said. He looked like he was calm but he was dead worry about his son.

And he realized that he very called Dick, his son... Even Dick called him dad and Bruce didn't deserve it.

After awhile, Justice League started to looking for Dick Grayson, Robin...


Richard woke up when he felt the weight on his stomach. He opened his eyes and looked at man with wide eyes.

A man was there, on top of him, searching for money in his jeans pocket.

"What are you doing! Get off me!" Dick yelled. He was scared. You could see it in his eyes.

"Well, pretty Richie boy, give me your money and no one gets hurt. Especially you." Man said and took a blade over Dick's throat.

Dick looked around. He was still at the corner of the street, next to two buildings. When he didn't find anything he tried to struggle. It didn't really work.

"Duh! Let me go! I have no money with me! I left it at home! I just have some food, you can have it. Just get off me." He was really scared now.

"Nope, don't think so. Since you are handsome and your daddy is richie Bruce Wayne, you are coming with me." Guy stood up and let go Dick. Before he would grab thirteen year old again, Dick kicked him at the stomach. And punched him in the face. Then, he pushed him to the ground.

"I told you to let me go." Said Dick. And then grabbed his bag. Ran to the street.

He looked at his phone. Battery was critically low. He needed a place to stay. But he didn't have money, really. He didn't think about getting some money from Bruce's room.

He needed to stay in the streets more than he thought.

Dick looked at his watch and realized it had been eleven hours since he left. That meant he was sleeping for six hours. He must have been exhausted.

Slowly, he made his way to the park for resting and eating his snacks.

And he would sleep at there for tonight!

Meanwhile At the Mount Justice

Artemis was still angry. She and the team didn't know about why Robin did these mistakes. Young Justice Team ate their breakfast in silence.

"Where is Robin?" asked Conner.

"Who cares? Probably grounded by Batman, which is still isn't enough for him!" Artemis said.

"Shut up, you! Maybe he isn't here because of us! And especially you Artemis!" yelled Wally. Yes, he was a jerk with his best friend but he felt guilty after that. Artemis just rolled her eyes and before she said anything, M'gann cut her off.

"Guys, I don't think something good happened. When our mentors came in, I felt their emotions and that wasn't good." She said worried.

The team glanced each others eyes. Artemis was silence. She started to worry too. But a little bit. Team waited for their mentors.


×Sorry, not action, yet. Next chapter will be DaddyBats and Little Robin probably. Or friendship, not with the team. Robin will get his nose into bad things....

1,047 words

Sorry about grammar mistakes.

SarilaZaman it was for you :)

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