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Chapter 20- League


The sun was gone and the moon replaced it. Now, stars were beginning to come out of the dark and lightening the world. Rio's amazing scene from Dick's hotel room was absolutely amazing. He was better after Kaldur helped him to get the bench out of his leg. It still hurt but ached less anyways.

Wally explained how contact with the league was unsuccessful and they couldn't reach their mentors. It just made everything worse. He could get to receptionist and made them call Bruce but he didn't want the league to think they couldn't handle a catching the bad guy mission.

Dick got up and walked to the balcony door from his bed. He opened the door and sat down on a chair. Wishing all of those would end, he looked up at the shining stars.

"This man can't get me." He said to himself. "I won't let him."

There was a couple of soft knocks coming from the other side of the main door. Dick got up slowly, tried not to open the stitches of his wound, and opened the door. Superbly was standing in front of him, by the way he was holding his fist up, he was probably going to knock again because of Dick's slow walking. "Hello, Conner. What are you doing here?"

The taller boy got inside. Dick closed the door after him. Conner took a deep breath and let it out. "Robin, I know your secret identity. I am sorry but I learned it." He paused and threw a weird look. "It was an accident. I blame the guy who was cleaning the floor."

Dick stood there, eyes widened, but his lips curled into a small smirk. "So, tell me Conner. Who am I?" Conner replied. "Richard Grayson. This also explains why this Bruce Wayne helps the league a lot. He is Batman."

Thirteen year-old clapped his hands together. "Congrats!" Conner frowned.  "Just, tell me what happened back there."

Dick sat down on the couch which was in from of the bed. Sighed deeply and brought his hands up to his head. He closed his eyes. "I don't really wanna talk about this. Can we just finish this stupid mission and go back to our homes?"

"The mission was about to become a trash after you got lost, Robin. And we also have another places to find clues." Conner said, frowning. Then, Dick lost it, again...

"The guy is here! He got me! He got me and he knew my identity, too! He is more dangerous than the league thinks he is. He almost made me think that I am nothing. He almost sold me to-" Dick stopped himself suddenly. His blood freeze and his eyes widened again.

But Conner caught what he was about to say.

"He did almost what?" He said calmly which made Dick feel worse than he is. Young boy had a headache and he didn't need a blow from Conner right now. "Look, just forget it. Okay? Please don't tell anyone about that. I am fine. The guy is here and we will catch him then we will go back."

"If you promise to tell me everything before the team, I will leave you alone for now." Dick rolled his eyes "Promise. Now go. I need to rest my eyes after two damn days."

Conner left with a small smile on his face. As he closed the door behind himself, he heard younger boy whispering something.

"I hope it will be over."


It was midnight. Dark sky was now full with shining stars and a beautiful moon. Wayne Manor was silent, unlike Gotham City, the real hell on the surface of the world...

Bruce closed his eyes, tried not to fall sleep. He was looking for a way to find the team. Once he finds them, he was going to cancel the mission. Whatever Alfred did, didn't work. Older man yelled at him, told him to rest. But Bruce didn't listen as usual. Alfred went to his room to sleep while whispering to himself furiously 'Why do I even bother to get him out of here?'

Don't get any wrong ideas, Alfred was worried about the boy and the team, too. But he knew if Bruce wouldn't rest his eyes, he couldn't find Dick.

Back to Bruce, he was still in the cave. Typing down the numbers, trying to hack into the team's trackers and other stuff to reach them. His eyes were falling when he was trying to concentrate. After a while, he gave up for the night and let himself sleep on the computer's keyboard.

When the sun rose again, Bruce woke up with a sudden yell. It was Alfred's voice.

"Master Bruce, are you awake?"

Bruce looked at the man with sleepy eyes. He slept for the whole night? He didn't go for patrol, did he? No. He went out for patrol before the midnight. So, no problem. Getting up from his seat, Bruce walked towards the exit of the Cave, the stairs. He saw Alfred waiting for him, holding a telephone with his left hand. "Someone called?" He asked.

Butler placed the phone next to his ear once more, "Could you wait a second?" Alfred paused then thanked. He put the phone on the coffee table slowly. Turned to Bruce. "They are calling from Wayne Foundation Hotels, sir. The one in Brazil."

Bruce blinked a few times. Wasn't that hotel the one which the team was staying? "Hello?"

A man responded immediately "Mr. Wayne, how are you doing?" Bruce recognized the voice. The man was one of his high-level workers. He trusted the man but never liked him. Actually, Bruce never thought he would have to talk to the man again. But he answered anyways.

"I am fine Mr. George, but is there something I need to know?"

"Why would you ask that, sir? Everything is fine. Except one thing." George answered. Bruce frowned, was that about the team?

"You sound concerned and scared. What happened?" Billionaire heard the man gulping. "Mr. George, is this about the teens I sent for their vacation?"

"Yes, it is, sir. Your son is one of them. You didn't tell us about that." Bruce's frown got deeper. Dick had to not let the men recognize who he was.

"Did I have to? I hope you hosted them great. They are alright?" He asked. Let them be okay, let them be in the hotel, God... Bruce thought, not forgetting they couldn't reach the team.

"No, you didn't. I am sorry, sir." George paused again. He likes dramatic pauses or what?  Bruce thought. But soon, the man talked again. "It is why I called. Your son is injured. He ran away but his friends got him back, safely. He said that we shouldn't call you because his friends and you knew where he was going. But after they found him, I realized he lied. So, I called you, sir. If you want to get him from here."

Bruce responded quickly. "Okay, I'll send a helicopter to take Richard. Rest of the children will probably choose to come by themselves. Where is he injured by?"

"His leg, sir. It was bleeding a lot. We asked if they needed help but they said no. Shall I tell him he is leaving?" George asked. Bruce said yes and closed the phone.

Thanks to God, the team was alright. But the actual question was, why did Dick run away. Bruce kept it in his mind, to ask Dick himself. Now, he had to give the news to the League. He went downstairs to the Cave and connected his computer to the WatchTower. He saw Superman, probably trying to find the team. "Superman!"

Superman looked at the screen of the other computer to see Bruce without his cowl. He already knew the man's identity. That was why Bruce didn't wear his mask. "Yes? Did you find anything?" He asked.

Bruce smirked "I found the team." But his smirk paled and he frowned once more. "I am going to take Dick with Wayne Enterprises Helicopter. The others will come with BioShip. They are at the hotel. I still don't know why the trackers and other stuffs connection was not active but we will ask later."

"Alright. Is any of them injured or anything?" Superman asked. He sighed when Bruce nodded.

"Richard is. But nothing too serious. I am concerned about their team relationship. I think they argued."  Superman nodded to let the other know he understood. "Tell the other league members they are alright."



'sigh' twentieth chapter...

Twentieth chapter.

Twentieth Chapter?


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