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Chapter 3~ Blame
×I don't own Young Justice. All characters are belong to DC Comics. Thank you~


Dick woke up at the park, under a big tree. He looked at his wrist for his watch. It was a quarter to five in the morning. He couldn't sleep and probably he slept for only four hours. Because Dick was thirteen year old and he was still a child. He missed Alfred, not team or the league. Alfred was the only one who listened Richard without yelling at him. He listened him with his heart. Like a grandfather or a father would do. Unlike Bruce...

But Dick knew he was missing Bruce, too.

He jumped when he heard a scream.

"Help! Please, help! Someone... Please! Ple- mmph!" It was a lady's voice. Dick had to help. However, he was still The Boy Wonder, Robin.

He ran towards to the woman who was being hold by a man. But there was a little problem.

The man wasn't alone. He was here with his gang. And he was holding an innocent woman under his arms.

Dick hid behind the bushes and listened the conversation as the man started to talk. Lady was trying to get out of the grip. It didn't really work.

"Well, sweetie. We need you to get some money. Would you like to help us? Or should we do this in hard ways?" The man asked to the scared woman.

"Mmph!" The Lady said as Dick came out of the bushes.

"Let her go!" He yelled at the man.

"I'll tell you one thing and ask you one thing, Boy. One, I have a name and it's Jack. Two, who the heck are you?" The man asked.

"Why? Will you capture me too?" Dick said sarcastically.

"If you want to..." Then another man came behind Dick. He was blond and had a shorter hair than the other man. He was tall and well-built.

"Hey, Big J! This is Mr. Wayne's little brat, aren't you freak?" He asked to the Richard.

'Uh Oh...' Dick thought.

The Big J nodded his head. Looks like he agreed with blond. Then he let the woman go. She ran and never looked back.

'How thoughtful... You go save her and she walks away...' Dick thought.

Big J came closer towards Dick and nodded his head to another man. That one was goth. All he wears, everything on him was black like his make up.

The gothic man grabbed Dick and everyone laughed. That was when Big J held a gun towards the little boy.

Panic started inside of Dick's brain. He squirmed as he could.

"Let me go! Leave me alone!" He screamed.

"Oh, I will... When I'm done with you." Big J said.

"Don't you want ransom? I thought-" The blond man was interrupted by Big J as he talked again.

"I had big problems with Wayne. Because of him, me and my family lost our money when he fired me out of job! I lost my Daughter! Now, it's his turn to feel the pain!" He yelled as he pressed the gun into Dick's head. The blond man was feeling sorry for little boy. He didn't do anything, his father did.

"But Big J! We can't-" Then there was three gun shot. Richard immediately looked at the blond guy. He was on the ground. His eyes were closed, his chest was in blood. Too much...

"Oh my God..." Dick breathed. "How could you?! He just tried to warn you, you-" Richard was being stopped by a slap to his cheek.

And that's was final. Richard couldn't hold it anymore.

He grabbed the gothic Man's arm and twisted it behind his back. After a few seconds, The guy was on the ground, crying for him to stop. Then, Dick turned to the Big J, who almost shot Dick on the head.

Dick kicked the gun out of the guy's hand and punched him at the face.

After a few moments, all gang was on the ground. Dick ran towards blond guy and looked around. He didn't know Why no one helped him. Cause he was in the middle of the street. No one was around. All windows were dark. Then something caught his eyes. A black figure was standing on the top of the building. He narrowed his eyes when he realized who it was.

Batman... his mentor.

"Why are you looking at me? Get some help! Call ambulance! He is Dying! Maybe died!" Dick yelled.

Batman came down and grabbed his ward's shoulder. Dick looked up at him.

"I called ambulance and police. I was watching you all night, Richard." His mentor said.

"Then why didn't you come down and helped me? Were you still angry to me and waited for someone's death so I could call you for help?" He yelled at his mentor. Batman's words only made him more angry.

"Actually, I waited for you to stop him. You didn't. It was your responsibility." Richard was shocked.

"You think it is my fault, too? Like everything?"

"Dick, I ne-" He was interrupted by sirens. Batman looked at Dick's tearfull eyes. Then, he felt guilty. Before he could say anything, Dick started to talk.

"Save it, Bruce. That makes it my fault. Like you said. You are right. You watched. You knew I could handle it and I was trained by you, Dark Knight. How could I be so panicked? I could have done something. I'm just worthless." Dick said as he gave up and cried.

Batman felt really bad, again. Ambulance came and some Nurse checked the blond guy's pulse. The guy was dead and other gang members with The Big J was arrested.

Jim Gordon went to Dick and hugged the little boy. He whispered something to his ears that made Dick calm down. Soon, Richard was asleep. Then, Gordon got a blank and Wrapped it around little boy's body. He picked Dick up.

"Thank you, Batman. For saving the Boy from the gang. If something would happen to Mr. Wayne's little Richard, he probably would blow whole police station up. You know, he is a little bit over protective for a playboy. We will send boy to his foster father." Jim said.

Batman nodded his head. He didn't argue about saving Dick thing. Because he knew it would be awkward if Jim knew Bruce Wayne's son could fight.

He immediately went to The Batcave and changed into his regular suit. Went to the living room and waited for the phone calls from the police station. As he waited, he told everything to Alfred.

Soon, he had the phone call and left the manor. He was happy to have his son back.

But he didn't know that his son was hating him more now.


To be continued...

1,144 words.

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