How You Meet

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You were in a rush to get home for a movie marathon, when you realized that you hadn't had dinner yet.  And being really lazy about cooking, you decide to go to a Burger King nearby to grab a bite to eat.

When you arrive, you are relieved to see that there is only one person ahead of you in line.  But that relief is soon shattered as you hear the order the guy gives.

"I'll have 3 #9s, 2 #6s, 5 #4s, 12 orders of french fries, 6 orders of onion rings, and a large diet coke."

You couldn't help but facepalm yourself.  This guy was asking for an early death, ordering all that food for himself.

After waiting for a while you finally see a huge stack of food appear and watch as the blonde manages to take all the food out the door, not before shooting you a wink.

After he leaves you glance down at your watch and see that the marathon will start in 5 minutes! Cursing under your breathe, you leave the Burger King empty-handed, hurrying home.


It was another gloomy day here in England.  You were rushing over to the library to get a new book when it started to pour.  You sighed with relief as you just made it to the entrance of the library when the downpour began.

Upon entering, you greeted the librarian, and then proceeded down the aisles to the mystery section.  You were in the mood for a good Sherlock Holmes novel.

Scanning the bookshelf, you finally manage to spot the particular book you are looking for.  You go and reach for it, but sadly, you are too short.

As you struggle to reach for the book, a hand comes out of nowhere and takes it.  You turn around and find yourself face to face with a blond man with strange eyebrows.

He smiles at you and hands you the book.

"It's a good one."  Was all he said in a british accent before walking away.


You were asked by your older sibling (pretend you have one) to buy a specific gift for your niece.  She wanted a special, limited edition Hello Kitty Plushie.  Which is what brought you to this store filled with the cutest things in the world.

As you walked about, taking in all the cuteness, you finally spot the plushie you were sent for.

You reached out to grab it when you bumped into another hand.  You look over and see the most adorable person ever.

After a while, you both realize that you were staring at each other.  You both look away and blush.  The guy grabs the plushie and shoves it into your arms while saying some apologies.

Before you can even say anything, the guy turns and bolts away from you, leaving you a blushing mess.


You were out shopping for a few gift for friends down a mainstreet.  After going through many shops and purchasing all the things that you had been asked to get, you wanted to take a break at a cafe.

You walked in and were immediately warmed up by the warm drink in your hand.  As you sat relaxing, you couldn't help but feel as if you were being watched.

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