Welcome Prussia

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A/N: Sorry that this took forever but was totally worth it and a ton of fun. This is just a catch up chapter so after this chapter all updates will resume this time with Prussia. Enjoy.

How You Meet

It was Saturday night, and your friends invited you out to drink. They knew you didn't drink much, but you knew they needed someone who was going to be sober enough to drive them home.

So now here you are, sitting at the bar, waiting for your friends to say they've had enough to drink. As you're sipping your water, you feel an arm being put around you. You turn to the side and see this drunk guy who says,

"Hey babe, wanna go back to my place?" He slurred his words. You pushed him off and refused. He then tried again. And again you refused. Eventually he got an annoyed look and said,

"All chicks want a piece of me, so stop playin' hard ta get." You were about to respond when some albino guy pushed the guy away and said,

"Leave zhe Frau alone." The drunk then went rambling off when your friend arrived and dragged you away before you could even thank the strange albino.

Meeting Again

It had been a week since you last saw the strange albino, and once more you were being dragged to out by a friend. This time to a club. And once more, you find yourself in a quiet secluded spot drinking a simple water.

As you start checking your phone you hear someone sit beside you. Looking up you see it was the albino from before. He looks at you and says,

"Kesse, jou are zhe Frau from zhe other day right?" You nodded and smiled before saying,

"Yep, thanks for the save, that guy wouldn't take no for an answer." He chuckled and said,

"No problem. I am zhe awezome Gilbert. And jou?" You then answered,

"I'm [name]." He then said,

"Jou know, jou are very cute. Jou remind me of mein awezome bird Gilbird, Birdie." You giggled a bit. Soon you two were talking and laughing.

Sadly, your drunk friend had to come and interrupt, but before you left, you and Gilbert exchanged numbers.

Is Something Wrong

You guys had become pretty good friends and clubbing/drinking buddies. Because he knows that you tend to stay sober, he often relies on you to take him home. But you two do other stuff too.

Like going out to do some shopping or just plain hanging out having fun.

Today the two of you were at a bar and you noticed that Gilbert hasn't been drinking much. Normally, with any other hardened alcoholic, you would be happy, but with Gilbert, this made you worry.

And he was being really quiet. And when he did talk, he didn't use the word 'awezome' which made you really worried. You turned to him and asked,

"Gil, are you feeling alright?" He looked up from his drink and said,

"Ja, I feel fine, just not in zhe mood for drinking." You raised your eyebrow at this.

"The awesome Gilbert doesn't want to drink beer? Not even when he brags that he has beer flowing through his veins?" He stayed silent. You then offered to take him home which he agreed to.

The whole car ride consisted of Gilbert being as quiet as a mouse. And it really didn't feel right.

How He Feels (his view)

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