Happy New Year

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A/N: So happy New Year to everyone, best wishes and all that good stuff, blah blah blah.

Also, that picture probably happened at some point.

One last thing, I will not be doing a Valentine's Day special for this book because I have already previously done so for this book. So on Valentine's Day, if you feel like reading that chapter, go ahead, it was like one of the first ~20 chapters of this book. I will instead around that time release the special that was supposed to be the 1800 hearts special. (Just consider all the Halloween stuff as the 1700 hearts special collectively). And this 1800 hearts special will be something super unexpected~

(And no I will not give anyone a hint as to what it is~)


"Ugh! It's so crowded!" You said, hoping Alfred would hear you over the crowd surrounding you. He flashed you a grin and grabbed your hand.

"Of course it is dudette!" He yelled back. "What do you expect in Times Square on New Year's Eve!" He yelled, and you had to admit, he did have a point; everyone came here to watch the ball for the New Year drop and celebrate.

"Look!" Alfred said, pulling you from your thoughts as he pointed up. You looked up and saw the ball beginning to drop as people around you began counting backward.

"10! 9!" Alfred quickly pulled you close.

"8! 7! 6!" Alfred scooped you up in his arms, beginning to twirl you around as you squealed.

"5! 4!" Alfred stopped spinning and gently placed you down, arms still around his waist.

"3!" He leaned in closer.

"2!" His eyes focused only on you.

"1!" His lips were only a centimeter away from yours.

"0! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" People shouted, but you only barely heard it as you felt Alfred crash his lips onto yours. When he broke away, he wore a huge grin and picked you up bridal style.

"Happy New Year dudette!" He yelled. You giggled and just wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.


"Come on Arthur," You said, pulling your coat on. "Or we're going to be late!" You soon heard hurried steps, followed by Arthur coming into the doorway with only one arm through his coat.

"I'm hurrying, love." He said, putting the rest of his coat on, followed by his shoes. Once done, he straightened up and offered his arm to you.

"Shall we?" He asked. You smiled and took his arm.

"Let's," You said, snapping your fingers, transporting yourselves to a magical forest where a bunch of magical creatures greeted you guys.

"Yay! You guys made it!" Flying Mint Bunny [FMB] said. You nodded.

"Yep and it seems like you guys already started to party." You said, looking over to the little fairies and elves and other creatures prancing about happily as the New Year approached.

"Yep, yep!" FMB said happily before flying over and grabbing your hand. "Now come and join us!" You giggled and tugged on Arthur's arm.

"Care to dance?" You asked playfully in a deep voice. Arthur chuckled and took your hand.

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