I Miss You...

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A/N:  This chapter is a "He Misses You/How The War Is Going" told from his POV.

Enjoy~  And next chapter (#100) is going to be a surprise~

Also, quick note, would anyone like an Author Q&A at the end of the 100th chapter?  If so, could you please submit questions (1 per person).  I'll only do a Q&A if there are at least 10 different questions asked.


"Jones!  Hand it over!"  The superior barked, making me groan as I handed over my 3DS.  Seriously, this was like the third gaming console they confiscated from me.  That's so unfair!

"Jeez, [name] would never take my games from me..."  I grumbled as I pouted.  My superior just rolled his eyes and walked away as a couple of juniors came over.

"Can't be helped sir,"  One said.  "We are at war and they want no distractions."

"Yeah, but at least at home [name] would let me play, or even better she'd join me!"  I whined.

"She sounds like a great girl,"  The junior said.  I just nodded and puffed my chest out.

"Of course dude!  She's the Hero's girl!"  I said with pride.

'She's totally the best ever!'  I thought to myself.  'She'll buy me the latest games and consoles and then when I play horror games she lets me comfort her - n-not the other w-way around!'

"Damn, wish I had a girl like her,"  Some new guy said.

"Yeah, feels like all the girls I've been with bother me to stop everything for them."  Another said.

"Ha-ha-ha!  It only makes sense that a Hero like me has the best!"  I said.  I then put my hand into my pocket.

"Anyone interested in playing Smash with the Hero?"  I asked with a grin, pulling out my Nintendo Switch.


"-And so our intelligence suggests that the enemy will position their forces here, so we ought to place our forces here, and here."  The general said, placing the markers on the map.

I sighed softly to myself and let my mind wander a bit, as it was obvious they didn't really need any advice.  Plus, I was rather peeved.

'I can't believe that they wouldn't let me do my kitchen duties this morning,'  I thought to myself, my eyebrows knitting together.

'They simply can't forgive and forget what happened last time.  I mean, the kitchen fire only burnt down the mess tent.  I mean, it didn't even harm anyone beyond a few burns.'  I thought to myself as the general continued to move pieces on the map.

'Even at home, when a few... accidents happen in the kitchen, [name] lets me continue to cook in the... or rather help in the... actually, now that I think about it, she actually-'

"Sir England,"  A general said, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Yes general?"

"What are your thoughts on this formation?"  He asked.  I nodded and stood up from my seat, walking over to where the previous general had been.

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