I'll Love You No Matter What (#2)

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A/N:  Surprise!  Here's the killer chapter I promised :)

Again, I would like to thank everyone for their support through this trying time for me and patience over the slow updates.

I also want to remind everyone that this book is a safe space for everyone regardless of religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, politics, etc.  I honestly don't care if you're a Martian who's Pastafarian (means you believe God is a giant flying spaghetti monster), and neither should anyone else bother you over that fact (though I will ask you how you managed to make it to Earth from Mars without someone finding out).

Also, as with the previous chapter, please don't leave hurtful comments about any of these disabilities, but please message me if something is wrong/inaccurate.  I want these to be accurate, and even though I did research, I know that conditions can be very different for someone who experiences it.

Enjoy, and I do write the character's condition beside their names.

America  (Aspergers)

You and Alfred were at a science museum, looking around at exhibits when Alfred tugged on your sleeve.

"Hey [name], that equation is wrong."  Alfred said, pointing over to an equation.  You tilted your head.

"Is it?  I can't tell,"  You said.  Alfred nodded, taking out a small notebook and pen he carried with him, writing the equation out, doing all the details before coming up with a slightly different answer.

"Yep, I guess you're right."  You said, making Alfred smile as he walked over to someone who obviously worked at the museum.

"Hey dude, that equation there is wrong, see?"  He said, holding the notebook up to the guy.  The guy looked it over before huffing.

"Oh yeah, well let me get the director and main authority on this subject."  He said, making you frown.  Eventually, some guy in a suit came down with a chalk board.

"Young man, please prove to me how the equation I put up was wrong?"  He said, his voice laced with doubt.  But Alfred being Alfred didn't pick up on that and just started doing the equation out easily, a crowd now watching as the director looked over Alfred's work.

"... My god... he's right."  The director said, getting gasps from the crowd.  "You young man have caught a mistake that not even the hardest veteran mathematicians would have caught. Congratulations!"  He said, grasping Alfred's hand as Alfred looked away, uncomfortable with the contact and with the idea of looking the director in the eye.

And that's how at the local science museum has a plaque that reads that the equation was fixed by Alfred.  [A/N:  This actually happened in real life a few years back]

England  (Legally Blind)

You yawned lightly as you opened your eyes, hearing angry muttering coming from the bathroom.  You looked towards the empty spot of the bed and sighed, getting out of bed to go to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

"Arthur?  Is everything alright in there?"  You asked, not quite liking the sound of Arthur stumbling around in the bathroom.

"Oof!  Yes love, everything is - urk! - fine poppet,"  He said, you honestly not believing him.

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