Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: A Steal And A Deal

         Afterschool today is another daily sinner meeting. The day after lunch is the longest for me. History is a bit of pleasure for me, because there are many sinners in that class. My history teacher has to cover his eyes every now and then to protect the class from seeing them. Stephanie and Joe, who now sit in the back, make the cruelest jokes about the Civil War. They make the class laugh, but I just roll my eyes. I can’t stand the joy of my classmates. It makes me feel sick. Or as if I was sick – I can’t feel a whole lot inside. I let the period end and go to Computers.

                My teacher, Mrs. Heckerman looks at me as I walk in.

“Good afternoon, Gavin.” She says. I smile. I think I know why she is being nice – she is pleased about Kaley and Katie.

“Good afternoon.” I say, going to my computer.

I get to work. After about 10 minutes I get a tap on my shoulder. It’s Mrs. Heckerman.

“Into the hall immediately!” she yells. I smile and step away from my Computer. As if I was doing anything important – I was on Wikipedia changing the history of the ancient Chinese. We go into the hall.

“I need a teacher. Today.” She says. “That will sin his or her students.”

“A teacher? That’ll be difficult.” I reply. I ponder my brain for a possible teacher. As much as I hate to say it, there are a lot of good souls in the school. I can’t think of a teacher off the top of my head. Until I come to one.

“Mr. Mackleroy.” I say, not looking at her. He is my science teacher. I had him for two years now, and he continues to pull the same rountine every year – screw off until the last possible second in class. I do enjoy it now. I get to cause havoc and chaos in that class.

“Good thinking. I never did get along with him at staff meetings.” Mrs. Heckerman replies.

“His sin could be regret. I know he hates wasting class time, but he can’t help it-’’

An ignorant classmate that comes up to Mrs. Heckerman and I cuts me off.

“Who can’t help what?” my classmate asks.

“None of your business.” I reply.

 “We’ll discuss this later.” Mrs. Heckerman says. I go back in class and continue editing Wikipedia.

         “Bring them forward.” My History teacher commands.

          Two figures are brought into the room. They are wearing red silk cloaks. I can’t see their faces. Christina, one of the rebellious sinners, emerges from behind the two and stands before them, back turned to us.

         “Unmask them in the name of Ammut.” My History Teacher whispers.

         Christina whispers something to the two and they both at the same time reach for their hoods and slip them off. Some sinners draw their breath. I just watch.

The first I instantly recognize. It’s Bianca, the girl that sits adjacent to me in Language Arts. The second takes me a minute to identify. When her mascara catches the light I recognize her. Her name is Shelly. She is Christina’s best friend – or was Bianca and Shelly, her two best friends, seem quite calm. I hope they are sinners.

          “You, my sixth period students, if you are a warrior of Ammut, you shall flash your eyes in the name of her.” He says. I stand with Katie and Tibby, who look with flashing eyes. Bianca is the first to make her eyes flash. Shelly seems like she is struggling.

         “Should I have an impostor I shall have no choice but to feed you to Ammut herself.” He says, growing angry. Finally Shelly manages to flash her eyes. My History teacher is satisfied.

          “My sinners, I can feel we have nowhere near enough. Sinners, find me more. I want more. Ammut wants more! I can feel it.” He yells. I holler. Then my eyes flash.

         “I have yet to tell you of where Ammut has been kept this whole time.” He begins, my History teacher, “she is under the main gym. In an old pool.”

         “I thought that was a myth.” Someone says.

         “No, it’s true. And I know how to get there.” He says.

         “Then tend to her.” The same voice replies. I can’t see who is speaking.

         “But I can’t get there. There is something I need – a key for the elevator.”

          Everyone knows. Yes, there’s an elevator in the school. It’s just locked up. Behind a locked door is an elevator shaft. But my P.E. teachers say it’s for going to and from the weight room – but not down. That’s where I wonder.

         “What does the elevator have to do with where Ammut is?” I ask.

         “Oh, yes… the elevator, it can go down as well. It can go to an area below the locker rooms and eventually to the pool under the gym. That’s where she is.” He replies.

         “How do you know that?” Mrs. Heckerman asks.

         “Ammut told me. I know the elevator goes down. Ammut knows.” He replies.

         Now I understand.

         “And the first one to bring the key to me shall be rewarded in a big way.” He says. “Meeting adjourned. Now find me that key.”

         3:30 strikes on my phone and I turn the corner to the meeting place. They are here.

         “Hey, Gavin.” She says.

         “Hi, Clara.” I say.

         “So, what’s up.” She asks.

         “Well, I think there is something weird about behind this door.” I say.

         “Like what?” she asks.

         “Like an elevator.” I say. “And I think we can take a little ride if we find the key.”

         “What does that have to do with anything?”

         “We can finally figure out what exactly was on your roof that one time we went up there.”

         “I don’t know.” She says.

         “Wouldn’t that make a great shot for your vlogs?” I ask.

         “That would be cool.” She replies.

         “All I need is the key.” I state.

         “So, we find it and we can go to the roof.” She reassures.


“Okay. See you later, bro.” And then she walks away. I smile and let my eyes flash. She is about to do all the work for me. And I don’t have to lift a finger.

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