Netflix and Chill (Jai Courtney)

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this goes with A Couple of Characters, which if you remember was a prompt. I was asked for a bit more of Cosette and Jai. I had a basic idea I have been wanting to use, the two were merged and... here they are. I have to work on my smut, apologies now. 


"Hey, what are you doing?" a booming voice demanded, causing Cosette to look up from the television to see the familiar broad figured in the door way.

"Watching tv, why?" she spoke, pausing the show.

"I have been here for twenty minutes." Jai complained. "I could have been some insane psycho coming to kill you, but you wouldn't know because you never even came to see who was in the house."

"For starters, staying here was clearly a good choice. Otherwise, I'd have been murdered by now." Cosette rolled her eyes at him. "Second, I knew it was you. I heard you curse, trying to disarm the alarm system."

"Why is it so bloody hard, anyway?" Jai grumbled, scratching his head.

"Jai, it's your birth date. I set it that way, so you'd remember it." Cosette laughed at him.

The code to her alarm system had been the same series of numbers, for the last six months. 15-3-86. How hard was it for somebody to remember their birthday?

"Details." Jai waved his hand in the air, a sign he was brushing it off.

"So, is there something I can help with, or?" she raised the remote and point it at the tv, a sign that she'd like to go back to the television.

Jai snorted, shaking his head at her. Typical Cosette. She came off as shy and sweet, until you got to know her and then she was this pushy, slightly mean, yet gorgeous beauty. He loved it. From the minute he'd spotted her, there was some about her that drew Jai in.

"I fly half way across the world, just to visit you, and this is how you greet me?" Jai frowned and shook his head at her. "I'm hurt."

It was Cosette's turn to snort and shake her head. He was so dramatic. "Jai, you were in LA. It's what, an hour flight and then customs to get to Vancouver?"

Since meeting almost seven months ago, Cosette had saw Jai five times, almost once a month. When they had met, she'd been very forward in telling him that their little adventure was a one time thing. A great idea in theory, but that didn't last long. Who could blame Cosette for breaking that rule anyway? The guy was stunning, an absolute sweetheart, and he was into her. There were worse problems to have, than a six foot something, hot Aussie wanting to follow you around, whenever he could.

Jai Courtney was like her own little puppy dog.

"How long are you in town?" She moved over when his heavy body hit the bed, bouncing it every so slightly. Scooting under the blankets with her, Jai set himself up as if it were his home.

"A week, then I am back in LA for a bit and off to Montreal for work." He replied, getting comfortable on the bed. "Know any French?"

"No." Cosette shook her head. "Despite my name, I do not."

"Have you ever been to Montreal?" was his next question. Cosette nodded, explaining she had been there, once, as a teenager. "Maybe, while I'm there, you can come visit? It'll be around a nine week shoot. I won't get much time to be away from work."

"We'll see." Cosette turned her attention back to the television. "I wish you'd told me you were coming. I could have made plans or something, been a bit more welcoming." In code, it meant she could have actually shaved, waxed, and possibly showered before he landed in her bedroom.

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