Oh lookie! More Jai and Denzi, because Jai as a daddy is adorable.
"Honey, we're at your mum's." Jai informed her over the phone. Waking into the house, he had Denzi under one arm trying to carry the child and a few bags.
"Okay, my mom should be home. I won't be long. I'm just picking up a few last minute things." She replied. "I have to go, be there soon."
"Right oh, sounds good." Jai answered, allowing her to hang up in order to avoid having to balance his load to end the call.
"Jai? Sweetie? Is that you?" an excited voice floated into the kitchen.
"Yes, ma'am." Jai called placing Denzi down on the floor.
The little boy was laughing, having been carried into the house under his father's arm. The things that amused this child.
"Sorry, I should have knocked, but I didn't see the car and I had a key." Jai explained, sitting his bags down to follow the voice down the short hall and into the living room.
"Oh, sweetie, don't worry. I don't mind." the older woman stood as he entered the room. Rushing over to hug Jai. "It's good to see you!" she hugged her arms tightly around him.
"It's always good to see you too." Jai practically lifted the slender woman off of her feet, in a tight hug. "Thank you, for letting us use your house, Cora."
"Don't mention it." Cora waved her hand at him. "My pleasure. Now, where is that little monkey?" she peeked around Jai to see Denzi hiding a few feet behind his father.
Jai smiled and turned to see his son, lingering back. Denzi had met Cora on more than one occasion, but he always preferred to play shy. Crouching down to his level, Cora held her arms out and smiled.
"There's my Denzi!" she cheered. "Come give me a hug." she coaxed the little boy over.
Shyly shaking his head, Denzi giggled and threw his arms up in the air. "Da!" he pointed at Jai.
"It's okay, little mate. Go on, give her a hug." Jai encouraged.
Squealing in delight, Denzi rushed forward and straight into Cora's arms. Wrapping his little arms around her neck, he squeezed tightly.
"You are such a pet." Cora gently squeezed his chubby little cheeks and winked at him. "Like your dad."
"Careful." Jai warned with a smirk. "He has this new thing about licking people. It's kind of weird."
"Weird?" Cora laughed. "He's a little boy, he's just being curious. Trust me, it'll pass."
"Yeah, well, the parents at play group aren't too impressed by it." Jai laughed. The parents at play group were never impressed with much, so it seemed.
Kissing the little boy's cheek, Cora waved a hand at Jai and huffed. "Oh sweetie, don't let those robot parents dictate anything to you. What do you expect from a group of mothers, who sit home all day and still have three nannies?"
Jai shrugged. He had enrolled Denzi, in hopes of meeting some people with children in the area. Apparently a single father, with an adopted son wasn't what the wannabe elite planned for their social group.
"Are any of them coming, today?" Cora asked, moving her face away to avoid Denzi's attempt to lick her.
"Only one." Jai replied, watching as his best friend's mother expertly dodged the second lick attack. "Amelia, the little girl whose parents are from Melbourne."
A Collection of Odds & Ends
ФанфикI have some random one shots coming about, a bit of this and a little of that. Instead of posting them on their own, I have decided to keep them in a collection here. Have a look, maybe I have something here for you?