Amy: chapter 3

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"What a weird fucking day," Korr thought to himself as he entered his hotel room "should I call her and go into phase two?" He asked even though he knew no answer would come. Korr felt his phone vibrate "Hello" was written on his screen from an unknown number "Who is this" he quickly responded "A friend" it wrote back "Do you trust her?" It asked "Who? Amy?" He asked, "She's weird, but anyone in her situation is going to be weird." "Situation?" It asked. "Yeah," he replied, "with her 'abilities'"We're sorry, the number you're trying to reach has been disconnected. Please try another number." Was the only response

Amy awakes to a faint noise. Slowly as her ears start to function again, she realized it's One Reason by Fade. She turned over to look at her phone to see a call coming in.

"Hello" she's says answering the phone

"Hey Amy," Korr said, "so, I was thinking we should go and show off our abilities today."

"Sound fun" she's starting to laugh "kind of interested in whatever you were given.

"Ok, Central Park" he started to say "3 pm."

"Ok" she replied "I'll be there"

Korr sat in Central Park, the peaceful sounds of the park drained out by 'Mona Lisa'. He was drumming away when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to find Amy standing behind him.

"Hey, Amy," he says moving over so she could sit down "glad you could make it."

"Well," she started to say "I'm ready to put this rest".

"Good" he quickly responded "why don't you go first"

"Sure," she thought for second before she pulled out a knife "stab me in the head"

"You kidding right?" He realizes she's serious "I'm not going to kill you, Amy." "Just do did it"

Korr grabbed the knife "are you sure?"

"DO IT ALREADY" she yelled, causing Korr to send the knife right through her skull.

Amy fell forward, limp and dead. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT." Korr started to yell. He felt something grab his leg. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Korr screamed like a little girl.

Amy starts to laugh "wimp"

"HOW" Korr Screamed "how the hell you still alive"

Amy starts to laugh "it's one of my powers" she explains "you're the first to see it" Amy Hopes Korr didn't get Catch the hint.

He didn't, "it's a cool power"He quickly admits "Looks like I'm next." Korr says getting all excited.

Korr stomps on the ground, causing a stone pillar to launch out of the ground. Without a second of hesitation, Korr launched a basketball-sized fireball right at the pillar. With a small explosion, the fireball slammed into the stone structure, causing Amy to take a step back.

"Holy shit," Amy thought to herself "This guy would be a dangerous enemy."

Amy was snapped back to reality by a loud crashing noise. The stone pillar had collapsed on itself.

Amy looks at Korr "So that's it," she says. "You're Mr. Elements!" She starts to laugh. "You're the Avatar!"

Korr's right arm gets covered in ice, his hand inside a pointy end. "I'M NOT A FUCKING BLUE ALIEN," he yelled in a fit of anger.

"Whatever," Amy says in between laughter.

"So, now that the ice seems to be thicker," he begins to say. "What's the plan?" He asked. "Well, well, well," a strange voice said behind Korr."This is getting interesting."

Korr turns to face the source of the voice. "And you are?" Korr asked "Sorry, This is a private party"

"Oh, I won't be long," he says giving Amy a glare "allow me to introduce myself." The names Dusk, Dusk Ritic." he smiles to show a set of rotten, yellow teeth.

Korr starts to extend his hand to greet the man but quickly retracted it. "I'm Korr, Korr Ashford," Korr replied

"The man just stared down at Korr, his beat red eyes refusing to break eye contact.

"Hey Amy," Korr says turning to look at Amy "let's get out of here"

Korr just noticed Amy, standing there the whole time, her head down to look at the ground.

"what's wrong Amy?" He starts to approach her "Stop" she responded, "please don't make this harder than it has to be". Dusk's eyes looked up from Korr back and look right at Amy "just do it already" he angrily demanded, "DO IT". Korr turns to face Dusk just as he felt a knife penetrate the back of his skull, Everything went black.

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