War: Chapter 3

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"Are you sure this is the one?" James asked sergeant. Sparks, sparks put his head down. "We can't be sure until we look into it.". "God damn it" James cried as he slammed his fist down onto the table. "We don't have time to mess this up"."speaking of messing things up." Sparks started to say "why did you bring Mr.Ashford?". Amy was quick to answer "now hold on a second. he may joke around a lot, but he gets the job down.".Amy looked at James, James nodded. "I can second that." James started to say "not only did he make fast work of a dangerous man in new york, but he also has the charisma to talk down a nazi.". Sparks looked down at the table, "He still has a huge chance of screwing this whole thing up". "I certainly thi.." James Cut him off, "Your opinion doesn't matter here sir." James said angrily "He can get the job done, that's all that matters". "You forget I'm the one holding your asses from the fire." Spark quickly retorted. "You show up out of nowhere in a restricted zone, tell me you need a base of operations, and to top it off you want to travel to a fucking temple in the middle of fucking nowhere." James looked deep in thought, sparks continued his rant. "For all we know you could working with Osama.". Amy's eyes shot open, she looked right at James. "James, what year is it?" She asked. James looked at her with an innocent grin. "2005" he quickly replied, he was ready to run at a moment's notice.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" Amy screamed as she exited the tent. "2005, why 2005?". "What about 2005?" Korr asked as he approached the tent, Damien was walking beside him. "We're in 2005" Amy quickly told Korr as he just reached the tent. "REALLY, THAT'S AWESOME" Korr screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT?" Sparks yelled as he exited the tent. "I'll handle this," Korr said looking at his friends. Korr approached sparks "we're three time travelers from the year 2016 and we decided to come and witness your amazing world of 2005". 

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