Korr: Chapter 6

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"Ha," Korr said as he looked over his shoulder, "He had his lair built below a Chinese restaurant....Weird.". He started to walk down the street, The thought of Gary's head exploding in front of him sent a chill down his spine. As he walks, he started to wonder if his was his life now. Does the dragon around his neck mark a new point in his life? "It doesn't get easier" Korr heard a voice behind him, " You have to live with it." He turned to find Paul standing behind him. "How would you know?" Korr said spinning around to face Paul, "You don't look that old.". Paul smiled, His smile starting to grow with each second. "I've seen walk down the same path as you," He said looking at the ground, "some found their path, others got engulfed by the madness.". Korr looked up at the sky, His mind racing with a thousand questions. "Why me?" he quickly asked, "Out of all the people in the world, why was I chosen?". Paul looked right at Korr, It was almost creepy. "You weren't" Paul said with a laugh, "This is how we run: someone comes across our items, they get tested in the feel and if they win if they live.". Korr looked at Paul, Confusion in his eyes. "You were behind Him?" Korr said with a hint of anger, "You were behind that german bastard?". Paul started to laugh even harder "no, We're just lucky he came along.". Korr was starting to get pissed. "Get to the point Paul" Korr quickly said, trying to get this conversation done faster. "Now that you're in, I need you to do something for me" Paul looked at Korr with a smile "Find the big Fruit Korr, find your mission." Korr heard Paul's message, but he was too confused to give a reply. Paul snapped Korr out of Daze with two simple words, two words Korr didn't want to hear. "Good luck" is all paul said as he started to walk away. Korr started to walk away in the opposite direction. "The big fruit?" Korr thought to himself, "does he mean the big apple?". Korr stopped for a moment, The realization of his next step hit him. "He wants me to go to New york." Korr started to walk through downtown. He had just arrived at the bus station when he heard his phone go off. Korr pulled out his phone to find a missed call from Chrism he quickly called him back. "Hey Chris, what's up?" Korr quickly said when he heard the lines connect. Chris quickly replied, "Dude, Have you been to your apartment lately?". Korr started to laugh "yeah, Nothing to worry about.....for now." Korr was about to hang up when an idea hit him. "Hey Chris, I'm going away to new york for.....I don't really know." Korr started to say into the phone, "Can you do me a favor and clean the place up while I'm gone? I will pay you when I get back." Korr was expecting to hear a "no" and the hanging up of a phone, To his surprise, Chris agreed for $30. Korr stopped and looked at the bus station, His was his last chance to back out and go home. "This could be fun." Korr thought to himself, he decided it was for the best. He quickly bought a ticket and got onto his bus. "New york, Here I came" was the last thought he had before his journey of a lifetime began.  

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