Amy: Chapter 6

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After what felt like ten minutes of straight walking, Korr reached finally reached the source of the light. Looking up Korr saw an old carriage lantern hanging from the wall. Looking around he found two wooden doors, one to his right and another directly in front of him. He approached the door on his right. "Please don't be a trap," he thought to himself as he started to turn the knob. "Please even settle with Dusk fucking Amy" he stopped before pulling the door open "No, that's worst than a trap". Korr quickly throws open the door and jumped in. The room was small, an old bed on the floor and a chest in the corner was the only furniture in the room. Approaching the chest, Korr could feel himself start to shiver "I've played enough horror games to know this is a bad idea.". Korr quickly opened the unlocked chest. inside was an old sword, some candy bars, and a destroyed wrist watch. Grabbing the sword and watch, Korr quickly ran out of the room. Looking around Korr expected to dusk to jump out and scare him. Korr jumped at the sound of w loud crash coming from the second wooden door. Putting his ear up to the door to listen, he heard a loud scream.

"I think I lost him," Amy thought to herself as she entered a room filled with boxes. She started walking around the room, trying to find a way out. She suddenly heard a loud crash as the boxes behind her were destroyed. Looking over to the box less area, Amy saw Dusk staring at her, his bloodshot eyes turned into two blink less orbs. Amy starts to charge at Dusk, hoping to dent him in some way. Before she could land the punch, she felt Dusk knock her hands down. A pain started to slowly to form on her face. As he went flying through the air, he came to the realization that just bitchslapped her. She flew across the room, slamming into the wooden door in the back of the room. When went crashing through the door, knocking over something as she flew.

It wasn't long before Korr felt someone tugging at his arm. Looking up, he saw Amy yelling at him to "GET UP". Jumping to his feet, Korr followed Amy down the semi-dark hall. When they reached the stairs, Amy stormed up the steps. When she looked down she saw Korr standing at the foot of the stairs, looking back down the hall. "What are you doing?" She asked, "Let's get the fuck out.". Korr didn't look up at her, he simply just replied "run". Amy looked at him, she was lost for word. Korr's head turned from the hallway

Causing him to look right Amy, Amy turned around and started running to the exit. Korr looked back at the hallway, a yellow glow could be seen coming his way. "I'm ok with this" Korr says to himself as his grip on the sword tightens. "Don't stop Amy" he could feel his feet start to move "I'm getting raped tonight," He says as regret starts to seep in. His feet are already breaking into a string down the hallway."FOR SPARTA" he yells as he's running down the hall. Within seconds, Korr could feel something grab his collar and pull him through a doorway. Jumping to his feet, Korr found himself in a medium sized Room. The same robed figure he saw on Liberty island was sitting in a chair near the center of the room. Slowly approaching the figure, Korr could feel a small flame dance down his arm. Reaching the back of the chair Korr started Pulling his arm back, ready to strike at any second when it spoke. "Hello, Korr," it said. This made Korr jump, sending him to the floor. Jumping up, Korr quickly grabbed his sword and pointed it at the figure. Walking slowly through the figure, "you a friend or foe? He asked, "answer now or this blade goes right through your head." The figure started to laugh. "Friend" Korr lowers his arm "you won't want to be my enemy," the figure said getting up from the chair. There was a moment of silence before Korr asked: "Who are you?" The figure continues to laugh. "You'll know soon enough," the figure said in between laughter. Suddenly an explosion went off, causing the two to jump. The metal door closing the room flow over their heads. "He's here," the figure said as he throws off his robe off to reveal the dual guns hanging at his belt. Yanking them out, the figure pointed them right at the cloud of smoke coming from the hall. "You ready?" It asked Korr as a beast starts to enter the room. "Fuck yeah" is all Korr could think of Saying.

Charging at the beast now standing to fill the room, Korr could only feel his body jumping to action. Korr sent his blade right through the beast's chest. Trying to pull the blade out, Korr realized it was stuck. The beast punched Korr, sending him flying into his ally. Getting to his feet, Korr realized his ally was knocked unconscious. Seeing the beast coming towards him, he grabbed a gun out of his ally's hand. The beast lunges at Korr. "Yippee, ki yay, motherfucker." Korr quickly said as he fired two shots into the beast's skull, The beast crashed to the floor. Korr quickly Aimed the gun at the beast, waiting for the slightest sign of movement. When nothing happened Korr felt his legs turnings jelly. collapsing onto the floor, Korr waited for anything. The beast started to disappear into a cloud of smoke, laying in its place was Dusk. Korr got up and walked over to Dusk, Korr saw he was still alive. "You failed Dusk," Korr said putting his foot on Dusk's back, keeping the still dangerous man pinned to the floor. "Depends on your definition of failed." He starts to laugh, Korr presses down harder causing him to stop. "Who the fuck are you?" Dusk gives off a little chuckle "you mean you don't know" the words caused him to start laughing harder than before. "You really are stupid," Dusk says, knowing he's pissing off Korr. "I'm your brother" Before Korr could respond a gunshot rang throughout the room, Dusk went limp. Spinning around, Korr saw The figure started walking over to him. Korr was about to raise his gun when the figure spoke: "can I have my gun back?" It asked holding its hand out, Korr gave it back. "Who are you?" Korr quickly asked. The figure looked up at Korr and smiled. "The names James," the figure said extending his hand. "You already know me," Korr said accepting the man's offer. "I know you have a lot of questions." The figure quickly spoke, "I'll explain it all." With that, he ran off. "What the actual fuck," Korr said walk to the exit.

Stepping out of the lady library's base, Korr saw Amy standing by the water edge. Walking up to stand next to her "that was.......exciting" he said looking at her. Korr suddenly felt something wrap around him. He smiled as he hugged her back. "I thought I would never see you again," She said Korr could feel shoulder start to get wet. "Is he gone?" Amy asked, hoping the answer was yes. "Yes," Korr replied, "put a bullet in his head myself." There was a moment of silence before Amy finally asked: "what now?" Korr froze, "what do we do not?" He thought to himself. After a moment of thought, he finally found the answer. "First" started to say "we Need track down this new friend of mine." He looked at Amy "he helped me down there, I have to thank him for that" Korr not wanting to tell her what he found out down there, "I'm your brother" was still ringing in his ears. "Then?" She asked snapping Korr back to reality. "Then we find the other horsemen," he said as they started to walk to the ferry. 

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