Amy: chapter 5

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At 3 Pm Amy stepped off the ferry onto Liberty island, Lady liberty looking amazing this close up. Amy was nervous, "what if the plan doesn't work?" She kept asking herself. "What if Korr fled the city when he left to get supplies?". Even with all this stress, Amy knows deep down that everything will go as planned. Reaching the edge of lady liberty's base, Amy looked around. "I hate when I'm the first to arrive.". Amy then felt a hand grab her and pull her back. She tries to break free but ends up dropping her knife in the process. Before her screams could be heard, she and her captor were gone.

Arriving at on Liberty island at ten minutes after three. Korr casually walked around the island, looking around to find out where Amy and Dusk are meeting. Korr was about to pull out his phone and call Amy when a bright light nearly blinded him. Looking around to find the source of the light, his eyes finally come across a chef's knife laying on the grass. Approaching it, Korr realizes the knife looked familiar. Korr's face turned red, anger started flowing through his veins. "SON OF A BITCH". Korr yelled in anger "THAT MOTHERFUCKER BETRAYED HER". Korr could feel this blood start to boil. He spun around and punched the stone base behind him, his cry of anger quickly turned to screams of pain. "THAT WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA". He grabbed at his broken hand, "that's going to take a while to heal". He said slipping a quick laugh. He looked over at the wall he punched and just saw a giant door-shaped hole in the wall. "Fuck," he said, "either I'm secretly the hulk or I found where she went". Korr started to walk to the door but stop right in front of it. He took a glance over his shoulder and saw a figure in a black robe standing a few feet away. He opened his mouth to speak but thought he better go. "I'll deal with you later" he finally said. "Stay here ok" the figure didn't move. "Creepy motherfucker" Korr mumbled to himself as he entered the doorway.

Inside Korr found a hole with a ladder going down into darkness. Without a second thought, Korr jumped down the hole. Landing a couple seconds later, looking up he realized the ladder was getting out not in. Feeling his surroundings Korr found a tunnel that seemed to be a little taller than him. "Well, into the darkness then". Korr tooled two steps then stopped. "Oh right," he said quickly making a fireball in his hand big enough to give off the light of a lantern. "I'm going to be walking for a while," he thinks to himself "but this is for Amy". He Says as he begins his adventure down the tunnel.

Amy awoke to the sight of a moldy, unclean ceiling. Looking around she found herself on a semi-new bed.She slowly gets up off the bed, trying to alert her captor. Getting to her feet, she slowly walked out of the room. entering the hallway she saw she was in some old building, the walls were covered in either dust or mold. "Who would live here," she thought to herself, the answer hit her the moment the question crossed her mind. "Dusk," She thought angrily, Just his name pissed her off. "I better find my way out" she realized, "leaving with Dusk's head would be a plus". She starts to move forward but jumps back as the room starts to go dark. she could feel someone watching her, his yellow smile staring back at her.

"How long have I been walking?" Korr asked himself "I should invest in a wristwatch". Korr starts to wonder what he'll find at the end of this very long tunnel. "Maybe I'll find Dusks torture room." He starts to laugh at his own joke, he suddenly stops walking and laughing. "Note to self: dark, long-ass, tunnels make you crazy." He starts to say, beginning to walk again. "Stay the fuck out of them". After what felt like twenty minutes, Korr's light source hit a wooden door. "This is in no way suspicious," he says looking around at the metal pipes lining the walls and ceiling. "Not suspicious at all". He opens it, seeing a small room with a ladder. "Finally," Korr says running in and quickly climbed the ladder. Reaching the top, Korr found the lid stuck. Putting all his strength in one big push. He knocked the kid open, sending something flying, a loud crashed could be heard. Korr waited for a reaction noise, when none came after ten seconds he climbed into the room above. Looking around he found only a semi-new bed and a destroyed wooden chair. "Shit," he thought to himself "looks German, was probably a good seat." Walking over to the bed he saw something laying on top. He started to reach down to grab the object when he heard a loud scream. "FUCK" was heard coming from down the hall. Korr burst into the hall, looking around to find the source of the screams. "CREEPY ALERT" was heard, the walls causing good acoustics. Korr took off down the hallway, following the source. Looking ahead Korr can see a wooden door marking the end of the hallway. "This is going to badass," Korr thought as he ran right into the door, causing it to shatter. Within seconds, Korr regretted doing this as he found the staircase on the other side. "Shit," Korr thought as he went flying down the stone stairs.

Landing hard on the floor below, Korr slowly started to get up. Checking himself to see if he has any damages. "Minus some bruising and a splitting headache." He starts to think to himself "I'll live". Looking around, Korr saw he was in another hallway. Off in the distance, probably the other end of the hallway, Korr sees a bright light. "this is obviously a trap" Korr thinks to himself. "does he really think I'm that stupid? Korr stood still, finding the words he should've said,"fuck it" he said to himself as he walked towards the light.

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