War: Chapter 5

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The sun hadn't been up long before Their Jeep broke down. "JESUS" James screamed has he was trying to find the problem "HOW CAN SOMETHING GIVE OFF THIS MUCH SMOKE?". "Have you tried turning it on and Off again?" Korr said, sitting on the roof of the jeep. "YES, I DO BELIEVE I HAVE". James yelled, trying not to choke on all the smoke he was inhaling. "Let's just leave it," Amy said, sitting in the truck of the car. "WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE." James yelled back "IT'S EITHER WE FIX THE JEEP OR WE DIE.". Damien stood next to James in silence. "Read any good books lately?" Korr asked while James was busy bitch smacking the engine. "Yeah," Damien said, breaking his silence, "I just finished one called......'power end'." Korr's eyes lit up "I've read that before," Korr said, "I thought It was pretty Good.". "Didn't they make a movie out of that book?" Amy asked, James started to cough " *cough* yeah, They called it 'Panicked Disco'" James answered in between coughs "it *cough* sucked.". "Oh yeah," Korr said, looking at James. "Zack was shown as an asshole psychopath." "Amy were present just to be a sex object" Amy quickly added. A loud thud was heard as James stepped away from the hood, The smoke slowly started to thin. "JOJO was cut entirely," James said after catching his breath "They replaced him with some Asian prick called 'The Prince'". "Sounds pretty bad" Damien quickly throw out. "It was" Korr replied "worse mov....." Korr's face suddenly turned to shock. "SHIT" Korr screamed as he jumped into the driver's seat of the truck. "What's up?" James asked as he ran to catch up with him. Korr pointed off into the distance "they found us," he said as ten trucks came flying over the sand dunes behind them. The remaining three quickly got into the truck. Korr started up the car and slammed on the gas. "HOW COULD THEY HAVE FOUND US?" Korr yelled as the Jeep flew across the sand dunes, "WE'VE BEEN DRIVING OFF COURSE FOR HOURS.". "I don't know how" James Replied from the backseat, "We need to lose them". Damien Turned his head and looked into the backseat, "NO SHIT" he yelled. Gunshots started to burst through the back window, Everyone but Korr ducked down to avoid the bullets. "James" Korr started to say while trying to focus on the road, "How well can you use that thing on your waist?". James looked up at korr with a confused look in his eye "I couldn't use it, do you think I would Carry it with me?". Korr was about to facepalm before he realized he better keep his hands on the wheel. "Pull it out," Korr said taking a quick look back, "when I give the signal, I need you to use it.". "What is the sig...?" James started to say before Korr quickly turned the wheel, sending the Jeep spinning around. James quickly pulled his guns. Handing one to Amy, They both started shooting out the windows. James unloaded an entire clip before he saw a Jeep flip behind them. He reloaded just in time to see another jeep flip before he heard a loud crash before everything went black.   

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