Korr: Chapter 5

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  After traveling down the hall for what felt like hours, Korr was Dragged through a metal Door. Looking around, Korr found himself In a small office, A desk and chair sat in front of a window at that one end of the room. Korr was dropped onto the floor in front of the desk, the back of his head was starting to feel a very familiar pain. "Ich thought You would come quietly." Hans said looking down at Korr, "Du have really surprised mein Korr.". Korr slowly started to get up, His head felt It was about to split open. "You have five seconds to explain all of this before I beat it out of you." Korr said getting to his feet, "it took four of your guards to take me down on my way here, I can take your scrawny ass.". "You have a reason to be mad mein, Freund." Hans said with a smirk across his face, "I mean, my man did beat the living shit out of you when you tried to run.". Korr Cracked his knuckles, Hans seemed to smile even wider. "You know" Hans Started to say reaching for his intercom, "Plan B," he says pushing down the button. Two guards stormed into the room and grabbed Korr, Pulling him back away from the desk. Two more guards walked in escorting a figure with a bag on his head into the room, placing them on their knees in the middle of the room. "Let's start with this," Hans said standing up from his desk, "What do you know about that necklace of yours?". Hans walked around his desk and stood before the figure, they started to squirm a little. "Kommen on Korr, Give mein something." Hans said looking over at Korr "You must know something". Korr tried to push the guards off his arms, He was failing horribly. "I won't tell you shit." Korr angry said as he continued to fight back, "Go fuck yourself.". Hans disappointedly looked at Korr. "Oh Korr, You're nicht fun." Hans said with a frown, "What a shame.". Hans quickly grabbed the bag on the figure's head and ripped it off, Korr eyes shot open when he saw Garry tied up on the floor. "Now I'll ask you one more time," Hans said will playing with Garry's hair, "Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to push it out of you?". Korr started to fight harder, anger started to fill his face. "I SWEAR TO GOD" Korr yelled, "I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU IF YOU HURT HIM.". Hans started to laugh as he pulled a gun from his belt. "ANSWER MY QUESTION." Hans yelled back, "ANSWER AND YOU BOTH GET TO WALK OUT OF HERE.". "BURN IN HELL" Korr yelled back, "YOU'RE DIGGING YOUR O....." He was cut off by the sound of a gunshot, Garry went limp. "NO" Korr yelled pushing the Guards off of him, "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD" He screamed as he charged at Hans. Hans quickly stepped aside, causing Korr to crash into a cabinet behind him. "I warned you," Hans said with a smirk painted across his face, "You should of to........" Korr cut Hans off with a punch to the face. Hans staggered back, His face was quickly becoming red. Hans looked at Korr and spat on the ground, Blood and teeth mixed in with his spit. "That was rude," He said looking at Korr, "My dentist is going to love this.". Hans raised the gun to Korr, Korr continued to stare down hans with anger filling his face. Hans gave Korr look with a mixture of fear and anger, His hold on the gun tightened. "You can walk away now Korr," hans said with his finger touching the trigger, "We can forget this ever happened". Korr started to laugh "Do you really think I would walk away after what you did?" Korr could feel Fire traveling down his arm, forming a ball in his palm. "I should kill you where you stand," Korr said taking a step forward, His anger gave him a weird Red glow. "Das ist too bad," Hans said cocking the gun, "I really was hoping you would be my friend.". Korr quickly lunged forward, catching Hans off-guard. He took the ball of fire and put it up to hans' head."You seemed weird When we met" He could feel the ball burn in his hand, "You should burn in hell for your crimes.". Korr quickly clenched his fist, Sending it straight into Hans's face. Hans toppled over and was out cold, Korr stood over him laughing. "For now, Hell isn't good enough for you." He started to walk out of the room. He stopped about halfway when he saw one of the guards regaining consciousness. Korr quickly walked over to him and slowly shook him. The guard slowly opened his eyes, they quickly shot open when he saw Korr standing in front of him. "Hey," Korr quickly says see the guard is awake, "How about you help me get out of here and I don't leave you to get castrated by your boss over there.". The guard quickly nodded as he jumped to his feet, he quickly ran out of the door. Korr looked at the door with a shocked look on his face. "I'll take that as a yes", He said as he quickly ran to catch up with his only way out . 

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