korr: Chapter 1

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Light entered the small bedroom as it did every morning. Laying on the bed was a young adult,'five ghosts: volume one' covering his face from the hate filled rays of the sun. A loud, whiny noise filled his ears as his alarm clock starts going off on his bedside table. The figure starts to stir, reaching over to hit the noise into silence. With huge might the figure slams down to hit the alarm, missing it completely. The amount of force caused the figure to fall off the bed, Hitting the floor with enough force to knock him awake. This was a very common morning for the high school senior, slowly getting up from the floor and turns off his alarm clock, finally quieting the beast. Staggering over to his door, the figure entered the hallway to reach his desired destination, the bathroom. Looking into the bathroom mirror, Korr Ashford stood there, wondering if he should shave the thing he called a beard. With the nod, Korr closed the Door and pulled out a razor.

One hour later he's walking up to a friend's front door. Walking in, he found his crew hanging out in the basement. Sitting down next to Joey "what have I missed so far?" He asked. Chris was the first to answer "nothing really, minus Joey being a dick to everyone." Looking over Korr saw all three were playing Smite. "who do you think would die first if we were in a horror movie?" Korr quickly asked. All three heads turned to look a Branden "What? Because I'm black?" Brenden angrily said "no" Chris started "it's because you can't run for shit". "You also can't use any weapon whatsoever." Joey quickly added. "In Fact, you are the complete opposite of a stereotypical black guy," Korr said, putting the last nail in the coffin. Branden sat back in his chair.

Hours passed in the blink of an eye. At 4PM Korr looked down at his watch. "Oh shit," he said jumping to his feet. "I'm going to be late for work." Grabbing his bag, he was halfway up the stairs when he stopped and looked back. "Sorry about this Chris," he said, all three looked up at him. "Joey Fucked your Ashly, Brandon". As he quickly ran out of the house, he could only hear Chris scream "OW, RIGHT IN THE DICK".

Running through the village was always fun for Korr. Except, of course, when he was late for work. Round the corner, he ran up to an old building and ran right in. This building was Gary's antiques, Korr loved working here, allowed him to see history through its remains. Gary, the owner, Loved to collect old antiques. He even collected obvious fake ones to attract outsiders. From Hitler's molars to the knife that killed emperor Caesar, he has it. Looking around Korr found his four favorite antiques: A gas mask with red eyes, a burnt knife, a bent spoon, And Korrs favorite: a destroyed wrist watch. Gary found these a couple weeks ago. Whenever Korr asked about them Gary avoids the question or just says "you'll know soon.".

"Checking those out again?" Gary asked coming from the back room. "You must really love those". "I always find myself getting pulled this way" Korr replied "especially at that one" he points at the watch. "I always found that one interesting too." Gary quickly replied. "head to the back, I just got a new shipment this morning." Korr nodded and headed for the back room.

After looking around for a while, Korr found the crate with the current date written on it. Grabbing a crowbar, Korr forced the lid right off the crate. Inside Korr found a lot of cool items. There was a Chinese dragon statue, "another on for his collection" Korr said knowing Gary had already collected five out of the twelve statues in the collection. The crate also contained some smaller stuff like an old Indian hunting knife, some kind of African tribal mask, and a small box. Korr reached in and grabbed the box. There was note on top, it read:


Please, please, for the love of God please get rid of this.

Or just don't open it.

Your friend

The coal man.

Korr stood up and Walked back up front. Seeing Gary at the front counter, Korr quickly walked up to him. "Hey Gary, what's in this?" He asked holding out the box to give Gary a look. Gary's face became pale. "Nothing" he quickly replied, "in fact, you can have it," Gary said instantly regretting it. "Thanks," Korr said putting it on the counter "I'll take it home with me when I leave". "Why don't you take the rest of the day off." He quickly said, "I insist." Korr looked at him puzzled "ok then if you insist.". Korr grabbed the box and left the shop. Gary sat down in a chair behind him, relieved. "Damn it, coalman, what have you done this time."

Korr stepped into his apartment, his mind was in the middle of finding out to open the box. Walking into his bedroom, he sat down on the bed. Finding a keyhole on the bottom of the box, Korr put it down. "Where are my Bobby pins." Korr thought out loud "wait," he says as he remembers where he left them. He wakes back to the bed and grabbed the box. the joker's face came into view as the box is lifted from the 'death of the family' comics. Playing with the lock, he finally got it after his third attempt and two broken Bobby pins. Opening the box, Korr only found a dragon necklace inside. "That's weird," Korr said grabbing the necklace. "The design is cool tho." He said putting it on. The room started going black. Looking around, Korr found himself in front of a well-dressed man. He has a black suit and red tie on. Korr was relieved when he saw a full head of black hair instead of a bald head. "Hello," the figure said looking at Korr. "Hi," Korr Started "where am I? And who are you?" The figure grinned "you are nowhere, a place out of time.". The figure whip one arm around his back and one around his stomach. "My name is paul, most call me the dark lord". He bows, Korr was shocked for a moment. "It's a lot to take in," paul said, "here's some more for you". Paul put his hands behind his back. "You have been selected to hold an amazing position." Paul started "you will become the new incarnation of conquest.". Korr looked at Paul, extremely confused. "I'm becoming a member of the four horsemen of the apocalypse?" Paul continued to grin "there were five horsemen actually. War, famine, pestilence, and death are only the four known ones." He starts to explain "the names vary throughout the years, but those four, plus conquest, show up the most." Korr still in shock, "am I dreaming this?" Korr thought to himself. Before he could ask another question, the figure vanished.

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