Korr: chapter 2

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Korr's eyes shot open and he sat up on his bed. "It was all a dream then," Korr said, relieved. There was a knock at Korr's front door. Getting up, Korr jogged over to the Door and opened it. A figure stood on the other side, it wore a black cloak and a gas mask. The figure put its hands up and removed the mask. Korr stood there in suspense until he finally heard the figure speak "Korr, I am your father." Joey said with a shit-eating grin on his face. Korr was about to close the door when Joey spoke again "nice necklace, I see you're trying to copy my style again." He said pulling out his Skyrim necklace. "What do you want Joey?" Korr asked, kind of pissed off. "Well, I came here to kill you for yesterday. But seeing that necklace makes me think it was some kind of revenge on me." Joey walked into Korr's apartment and flopped down on the couch. "Where you get that thing anyway?" He asked. "My boss gave it to me," Korr said closing the Door, he walked no more than a single step away when there was a knock at the door. Opening the Door, Korr was face to face with a black haired teen. "Guten Tag mein friends," he said with a smile. Korr looked over at Joey, His friend looked back with excitement. "This is Hans," Joey said getting off the couch "he's in my german class.". Korr looked over at Hans and extended his hand. "A friend of joey's is a friend of mine," Korr said holding his hand at waist level. Hans quickly put his hand out to shake His host's hand. "Das pleasure is mine," Hans says shaking Korr's hand. "Joey has told me a lot about you, mostly that you're an asshole." Korr didn't have to look to know Joey had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.

Hans and Joey stayed for a couple of hours before Joey had to leave. "I better leave too," Hans said walking to the door. "We should do this again sometime." He said. Korr turned to his new friend and gave a simple goodbye as he was left alone in his apartment. Korr sat there for a couple of seconds before it hit him. "I have work" Korr quickly said as he jumped up, grabbed a hoodie, and bolted out the door.

As Korr ran through the village, something seemed off. Maybe it was the smell of ash in the air, maybe it was the panic-filled people running from the village."it must be the new coffee shop they built, they only sell liquid shit." Korr thought to himself as he turned the corner. Korr stopped running, Fear-Filled his face. "NO NO NO" Korr yelled running full blast down the street. As he ran past screaming people, Korr continued to yell. "SHIT SHIT FUCKING SHIT," Korr yelled as he charged down the street. Korr quickly ran up to the front Door of 'Gary's antiques' and tried to force the Door open. He stepped back and rammed the Door, causing the door to fly open. Within seconds, Korr found himself inside a burning building.

Looking around, Korr could not see Gary. Korr quickly ran over to the four odd artifacts. Quickly grabbing them, Korr tried on the gas mask to find it still works. Korr quickly ran to the back room. Korr spotted Gary laying on the floor. Running over to him, Korr quickly put the gas mask on Gary. Gary quickly shot awake. "What's going on?" He quickly said very faintly. "Let's get you out of here," Korr said he pulled Gary to his feet. "Can you walk?" Korr quickly asked "Yeah" Gary quickly replied as they started to head for the front. They just reached the front room when a tiny explosion went off. Korr quickly threw his arms up to shield his eyes from the fire. Korr stood there waiting for the burning pain. When it didn't come, he put his arms down to see a wall of stone in front of him. "What the" Korr started to say as the wall fell down. "HOLY MOLY" Korr could hear Gary yell. "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE" Korr quickly yelled as they charged for the open front door. Emerging from the building, Korr fell to the ground in a coughing fit. After Korr caught his breath and his heart calmed down. Korr realized the knife he put on his belt half-assed was stabbing him directly in the leg. 

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