Chapter 3: Into adulthood

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Senior year finally came and the four teenagers sighed in relief. High school would be over soon and then they would finally move to New York, away from all the high school drama back home. Tris was even more excited since she was expected at Juilliard starting summer. Cameron was already looking for an apartment for the four of them and since they signed a deal with a big record label and their first album started selling even better they really started to cash in. Cameron took them during the summer on a road trip; at least that was the official story.

Divergent toured the country from New York to San Francisco and became more famous after each new concert. When they arrived in San Francisco on August 27th the record label had informed them that instead of one concert there would be two. The fans went wild, they loved the band and their sound and since no one expected such a huge success the record label promised to send more copies to the local music store they were working with. Each fan, that didn't get a copy that night, should present the ticket and would get a CD plus a signed autograph.

Tris and her friends couldn't believe what was happening. However, for the time being they had to stay put. Once they'd start in New York they would be able to travel on weekends for concerts without having to find explanations to give to their parents. All four of them were very excited.

By late September Tris and her friends finished the songs for the movie. They wrote several songs, some scenes had even two or three to pick from. Cameron himself flew to L.A. to hand them over and check if everything was alright.

Peter tried to rekindle his relationship with Tris and after a failed attempt to have a date Tris finally got over him. She wasn't in love with him, but the fact that he was such a douche with her bugged her for months. At some point she even thought it was something she did or didn't do, albeit she couldn't figure out what. She didn't deny him sex, she hung out with him, she was okay when he told her that he would go out with his buddies. Basically, she was the perfect girlfriend. She wasn't clingy or pushy or bitchy so she couldn't understand what went wrong. But as they tried a second time she realized they were just too different.

Tris moved back to her parents. She knew she would leave them starting summer and wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. Their relationship got a lot better. They listened to her and she made a real effort to not be as rebellious as she used to be. She knew she was loved, but every now and then she felt jealous again. Yeah, she always had felt jealous because her parents seemed to love her siblings more. Now that she was older, and hopefully wiser, she could see that, that wasn't true.

For her eighteenth birthday Tris asked her parents to let her party with her friends, just the four of them jamming in her room, eating pizza and drinking some alcohol free beer. Natalie wanted to ask her to join them, have a nice family dinner since this year they hosted it and all their friends would come. Andrew however persuaded his wife to let the kids have fun. This would be their last time doing it as high school students and possibly carefree. Natalie accepted, but under the condition that they would come down say hi to everyone and eat the cake with everyone else. Tris agreed happily and immediately texted her BFF squad.

On Christmas Eve Uriah, Lynn and Marlene came early, since they wanted to spend the day watching Christmas movies, from the classic "It's a wonderful life" to the mandatory original "Home Alone" movies. By lunch they went into the kitchen where Natalie made them chicken soup, since it's Tris' favorite. After that they returned to her room where they talked, played board games and then jammed like they used to.

"My brother has a new girlfriend," Marlene told them when they paused, because Uriah had to pee, again.

"Okay," Lynn said, obviously not getting what that had to do with anything.

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