Chapter 14: Joke's on you

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Tris and her father spent an hour talking. Tobias left them alone, despite both Prior's insistence he should stay. He felt it would have been better to just leave them to talk things through. He went to his bedroom and closed the door giving them the privacy they needed.

Tobias decided to call his dad and ask about the soon to be mothers and tell him that Tris and her dad were reconciling in his dining/living room.

"Hey, dad," Tobias said as Marcus picked up the phone.

"Hey, son. Where are you?"

"At home."

"Is Tris with you? Natalie is sick with worry and she hasn't heard anything from Andrew either," Marcus informed his son. Tobias felt bad that he hadn't called sooner.

"They are both here. I brought Tris back to my place; she didn't want to go to her parents' and about two hours ago Andrew showed up. They're talking right now and I'm in the bedroom," Tobias fills his father in.

"Good. I told Andrew to call you and if Tris was with you he should talk to her. He is really sorry for his reaction, but I can't really blame him. If it were Marlene I would react probably the same way or worse," his dad said with a chuckle.

"It's not just our relationship, dad," Tobias said sighing. "Andrew is upset that Tris hasn't shared things with him, while Tris is upset that her folks treat her like a baby. It's a vicious cycle and they won't get out of it unless they talk things through and all of them come clean," Tobias said.

"I agree. Andrew raised a fine young woman there, but I see where he's coming from. As a father myself I always want you and your sister to be safe and happy and I'll probably always see you as some preteens or even toddlers," Marcus said and Tobias smiled.

"Still better than mom, who will always see us as her babies," he joked and Marcus laughed.

"You're right, but one day when you will have your own kids you'll understand. Children are the greatest joy, but also the heaviest headache, son. Do not have them without discussing a proper migraine treatment with your physician. Oh, and start therapy right after Tris gets pregnant. You'll need the spiritual guidance," Marcus joked, but at the mention of him and Tris having children Tobias chocked and swallowed hard. He never talked to her about that, especially since their relationship was still new and they still had to figure out a lot of things. But he would lie if he'd deny thinking of that himself. But it was still too soon for that. She still had school and she loved the band. He couldn't take that away from her. If and when they decided to have a family they would have to be sure both of them wanted it.

Tobias hung up and resumed reading a report for work when someone knocked on his door. He got up and opened the door only to find Tris standing on the other side.

"You okay, honey?" he asked concerned while running his hands up and down Tris' arms.

"Yeah," she smiled a little. "Dad got a phone call. Shauna gave birth. It's a girl," she told him. Damn. He was so focused on what his father told him about having kids someday, most likely with Tris if he got what he wanted, that he forgot to ask about his two friends.

"That's great, baby. What about Christina?" he asked.

"She's still not done. Dad and I wanna go back to the hospital to meet the little lady," Tris said and her smile widened.

"Let me just close my laptop and get my jacket," he said and hurried to do that. Before he could leave his room however he looked at Tris who was still standing in the doorway smiling at him. "What?" he asked confused.

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