Chapter 11: Busted

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Tobias had to leave on Sunday. He wanted to stay a while longer, but he had an important project that needed his attention. Tris almost had to push him out of the apartment to make him go back to Chicago. Of course, she wanted to keep him there with her but she understood that he had a job that he loved, just like she had her music. He promised to be back the following Friday night.

As discussed, the group plus Tobias met with Eric and the situation was more than awkward. Eric tried to make small talk, but ended up talking about school with either Uriah or Lynn who were sitting right next to him, while Tobias pointedly draped his arm around Tris' shoulder signaling the other man that she was his. If Tris wouldn't have felt so uncomfortable she would have laughed at his primal behavior. In some way she found it titillating and realized she wanted him more than ever. However, she decided to wait. She wanted their first time to be special and not because he felt jealous.

Tobias and Tris talked on the phone the entire week. Each time one of them had a moment to themselves they usually texted to see if the other was available and then called. Tris felt like soaring each time she heard his voice or saw his picture when he called or texted her. She had a continuous smile plastered on her face that her friends started teasing her about it.

Tris had an awkward conversation Monday after the fiasco with Eric and Tobias. Eric acted a little abrasive and pissed her off, but she decided to be the bigger person and not bitch about it. Eric eventually got over it and apologized for his behavior. He still had feelings for her, but he could see that she was happy with her boyfriend. He didn't care that the guy acted all macho around her the entire time, but when Eric got glimpses of the genuine interaction between the two he recognized his defeat, not that he ever put up a fight. Tris was a remarkable person and if she would have wanted to give it a try with Eric she would've. He respected her integrity and honesty and decided to be just her friend, even if it hurt him. Besides, given recent events in his personal life he decided it would be better to not pursue a romantic relationship with the girl, despite wanting nothing more than holding her in his arms, telling her he loved her and making love to her at least once. But he couldn't and wouldn't. She was happy and that was all that mattered to him. He couldn't burden her with his problems when she still dealt with her own.

On June 13th Tris' mother called her to tell her that both her sister, Shauna and Lynn's sister-in-law, Christina, went into labor. Natalie asked her and the rest of them to join the family for the happy event. Tris wasn't really excited about that, but she was happy she could spend some time with Tobias, even if they wouldn't be able to kiss each other or hold hands or anything like that, she was still happy. She informed her surrogate siblings of the (un)fortunate events which caused a round of groans and complaints and then finally they left for the airport. Tris texted Eric telling him they all had to go back to Chicago to welcome two new members, while Uriah called Matt to tell him the same. Matt, lucky bastard, had work and couldn't make it, but Cameron assured them he would join them later that day. Before having to turn off her phone Tris called Tobias letting him know they would come to support the girls.

"I'm coming to pick you up," Tobias told her.

"We can take a cab, honey," Tris assured him.

"No way. I've been waiting the entire week to kiss you and hold you. Once we're at the hospital I'll have to share you with everyone else," Tobias said and Tris could practically imagine the pout on his face. She chuckled and shook her head. The flight attendant signaled her to turn off the phone and she quickly said goodbye.

"See you soon, baby. I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetheart."

They hung up and Tris leaned back and waited for the plane to take off. Once they were at cruising altitude Tris unbuckled and got her notebook out and started writing. Ever since Tobias and she confessed their feelings toward one another Tris was more inspired than ever. She already wrote a couple of songs and always had new ideas.

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