Chapter 22: Time flies when you are in love

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The winter passed and spring announced new beginnings. Tobias' and Tris' anniversary neared and both of them struggled on their own to find the perfect gift. They never outdid themselves when it came to presents; they usually surprised the other randomly which both found more adorable than having to buy something for a specific date.

Tobias thought of buying her jewelry, but then decided against it. Tris wasn't the kind of woman to wear jewelry. But one piece of jewelry he wanted to give her. Perhaps that would be a good anniversary gift. He just needed to talk to the person who currently had it.

Tris searched the internet in hopes she would find a gift for her betrothed. It seemed the whole world wide web was against her since nothing looked good enough or maybe nothing seemed good because in her eyes it needed to be perfect for Tobias.

"What are you doing?" Marlene asked as she sat down next to her on the couch.

"Our anniversary is coming up and I have no clue what to get your brother," Tris said as she put the laptop on the coffee table and leaned against her best friend.

"I'm sure you'll find something. You guys know everything about the other," Marlene said.

"So? Doesn't help me find a perfect gift," Tris replied pouting and Marlene chuckled.

"Why does it have to be perfect?" Lynn asked curiously and sat down on one of the armchairs.

"Because he is always so wonderful to me and I want to get him something that says how much I appreciate him."

"Why don't you marry him? That'll do," Uriah offers as he comes in with a beer in his hand and stands in front of the girls.

"Marry him?" Tris asked.

"Yeah. Why not?" Uriah asked shrugging.

"That's not a present," Tris said scoffing.

"And a tie is?" Lynn countered.

"I wouldn't have bought him a dumb tie," Tris said offended. How could they think she would get him a lousy tie?

"Why don't you give him something personal?" Marlene asked smiling.

"Like what? Her cherry?" Uriah asked grinning and got a glare from each of the girls. "Damn, you guys look like a bunch of gargoyles when you're mad. I'm outta here," he said before putting down his bottle of beer and leaving the apartment.

"Idiot," Lynn muttered.

"What did you mean by something personal?" Tris inquired, interested in what her friend suggested.

"You are a songwriter. Why don't you write him a song?" Marlene asked her.

"Mar, that doesn't work like that," Tris replied.

"I know. But it's just something for him. It doesn't even have to have a melody. It can be a poem. Tell him what you feel."

"Isn't that kind of lame?" Lynn asked, her nose scrunched.

"No. I think it's cute. Think about it, Lynn," Marlene said as she sat up to face her friend better. "They usually gift each other with random stuff for no reason. When was the last time you told my brother why you loved him or how much?"

Tris kept her mouth shut. Marlene had a point. They told each other all the time "I love you" but it became something like "hello" or "goodbye", as if the words didn't mean as much anymore as they once did. But nothing could have been farther from the truth, because Tris loved Tobias each day a little more.

Perhaps Marlene was right. Even if it wasn't a song or a poem she could tell him how much she loved him. Write it down, wrap it nicely and hope he would like it. She could get him something from a store any day.

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