Chapter 9: The Darkest Hour

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AN: (c) "The Darkest Hour" by Christina Wind. All rights reserved.

Over the next month Tobias visited Tris every weekend. They went on dates or stayed at the apartment and even if the other three were home they had fun together. Tobias only got glimpses of the unique relationship these four had over the years but being part of their group he could see how much they loved and supported each other. One Saturday Tris dragged him with them to the Laser Tag place they used to go to. They spent hours there chasing each other. Matt joined them and they played either boys versus girls or mixed the teams up. Tobias couldn't remember the last time he had that much fun or if at all. Those four lived to the fullest, like each day could have been their last. He admired that about all of them. They did what they loved regardless of what others thought or said.

Despite being together for a month Tris still wasn't ready to take their relationship a step further, but Tobias was patient and let her set the pace. Truth be told, they technically only saw each other on weekends and while talking daily over the phone or chatting on Skype there was still a lot to build relationship-wise. He was more than happy being her boyfriend and being able to hold and kiss her, even if it was just on the aforementioned weekends. Sometimes they spoke for hours if they had the chance.

Tobias often listened to the four of them jamming and he loved to see all of them so happy. When he went back after the first weekend he spent in New York and told his friends that Divergent agreed to perform at the party later that year the others freaked out. If they had only known how easy it was to convince the band. But as promised he didn't reveal that the band members were in fact related to them all.

"What do you want to do?" Tobias asked her as he was lying on the couch and Tris was lying on top of him. He rubbed her back and she nuzzled his neck.

"Can we stay home? I'm not in the mood to go out," she said a little sleepy.

"Come on, girl, we wanted to go dancing," Uriah said as he came into the room and heard her.

"I know, but I'm just tired," she protested.

"Well, I'm going," Uriah declared. "Who's with me?"

"I'm coming too," Lynn said and checked her pocket for her keys, some cash and her cell.

"Well, I'm not gonna stay at home all by myself," Marlene said and went to the door. Tobias chuckled.

"We're still here and not going anywhere," he called after his sister.

"Yeah, right. 'Cause being the third wheel is really awesome. No thanks, big brother," she said and Tobias could hear the elevator door opening. The other two said their goodbyes and closed and locked the door behind them. It wasn't the first time Tobias spent the night at their place but he always slept on the couch. He didn't want to make Tris uncomfortable and was okay with just being close by. She still hadn't told him her other secret, the bad one, but he didn't push either. She would tell him eventually.

"You asleep?" he asked when she hadn't said a word in a while.

"No, just thinking," she said softly.



"What about us?"

"It's still kind of weird, I mean, us being together," she said while drawing circles over his chest. He remained quiet, before he asked her what she meant.

"Do you regret being my girlfriend?"

"No," came her response immediately. She certainly did not regret that. If anything it was the only thing that made sense. "I'm just saying it's weird. We've known each other our whole lives and it took us so long to give it a try," she clarified. He let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding. He thought about it too.

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