Chapter 18: The jealousy variable

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When classes started again Eric still hadn't returned. Tris worried about him, but there was nothing she could have done since he still hadn't returned any of her calls or text messages. She even thought that perhaps he decided to distance himself from her and move on, the way she wanted him to do. But somehow it didn't seem right either. She decided it wouldn't help anyone to dwell too much on Eric's lengthy absence. He would come back and they would talk things through.

Tris had a long talk with Tobias as well. She wasn't entirely sure if he really understood her feelings, especially since she had some difficulties understanding them herself, but it seemed her boyfriend decided to trust her nevertheless. She would never cheat on him, but she realized that she not only chose the wrong time, but also the wrong way to describe her feelings toward the other man. She couldn't blame Tobias for freaking out the way he did and she truly deserved a hard kick in her ass for being such a douche toward him.

However, she promised herself to make it all up during their two week trip to Hawaii in late November. Unfortunately, they couldn't plan anything sooner because their schedules just wouldn't permit it and so they decided to not only have a nice vacation just the two of them but also celebrate his birthday.

Tobias' birthday was November 2nd. He wanted to go to New York to spend it with Tris, but something came up at work and since Tris didn't seem to feel well she couldn't travel to Chicago. They chatted on their tablets that night and promised to celebrate properly during their vacation.

The weekend before their trip to Hawaii Tris and Marlene traveled to Chicago. Evelyn and Natalie organized a fundraiser and asked their daughters to attend it. They both tried to come up with excuses not to, but in the end they realized that their mothers really wanted them there. Reluctantly, the two young women boarded the plane that would take them home.

Tobias picked the girls up and drove Marlene first to his parents' house and then Tris to hers. She would spend the night in his apartment, but Natalie wanted to dress her up herself. They kissed goodbye and both looked forward to seeing each other later that evening.

"Are you excited about your trip?" Natalie asked her daughter.

"Not really. Why would I be?" Tris asked looking at her mother in the vanity mirror as the older woman did her hair. Natalie frowned a little.

"Do you and Tobias have problems?" she asked.

"No," Tris immediately answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you don't seem enthusiastic about your trip and I thought maybe you two are fighting," Natalie explained.

"Mom, just because I don't jump on my bed and squeal in excitement doesn't mean I'm not happy he and I will spend some time together," Tris said amused. It always confused her why her mother thought something was wrong just because Tris didn't react the way other girls did. She should have known by now that her youngest child is different than the rest of them. Tris was really excited about the prospect of spending two weeks with just Tobias on a tropical island. She just didn't understand why she should have made a fuss about it. It was just vacation.

"I just thought that maybe you two have problems and that's why you don't speak of it," Natalie said and Tris could see concern all over her mother's face.

"Mom, I promise, Tobias and I are fine. Everything is great between us. Yeah, we have our ups and downs, but every couple has them," Tris explained, trying to put her mother's mind at ease.

"I just thought you didn't get along because of the age gap."

"No. Sure he is six years older than I am, but we talk about everything. We have no secrets and I don't really see the age difference as a problem. And neither should you," she told her mother. Natalie nodded. She was more than happy about their relationship. She just wished that her daughter would open up to her more.

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