Chapter 24: The first day

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To say that everyone looked at the engaged couple with wide eyes is an understatement. Tobias and Tris invited their entire family to eat at a fancy restaurant the weekend after their anniversary. They had an important announcement and wanted everyone to be present.

After Tris sang her love song to her betrothed they talked for a long while and decided to get married as soon a s possible. They were done (actually, Tris was done) waiting and making up excuses to delay their nuptials. So they decided to get married the first week of June.

Everyone at their table was shocked, speechless, even chocked on food or beverages when they announced that they wanted to get married soon.

Despite not wanting to get Natalie and Evelyn involved in the planning, both Tris and Tobias knew that they needed help. Shauna, Cara and Christina all wanted to help but Tris ignored them and told both her mother and future mother-in-law that they would elope in Vegas if anyone tried to ruin her day. Tris didn't care much about flowers or location or even her dress. All she wanted was to get married to the man she loved. They could have gotten married in their PJ's for all they cared. But the weeding was an important event, not just for their families, but also business associates.

The two matriarchs promised to respect the wishes of their children and coordinated with both of them. While the majority of their family bombarded Tobias with all kinds of questions, especially since they all knew by then that he would move to New York, Tris, Evelyn and Natalie sat aside and discussed details. Tobias and she wrote down a few things they wanted or didn't want at their wedding. Upon reviewing their list the two older women agreed and asked Tris to be available at least once a day to discuss certain details. Tris agreed but told both of them that she trusted them to make this day the happiest for Tris and her future husband. As the two women stood up and started talking enthusiastically about flowers and cakes Tris sighed and leaned back in her chair. Tobias joined her and took her hand in his.

"You okay?" he asked softly and she looked at him.

"Yeah. I just think I unleashed a beast with those two," she said tilting her head towards their mothers. Tobias chuckled.

"Look at it this way, babe. They have fun planning and we will enjoy it. Did they agree with our list?" he asked caressing her cheek.


It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. They asked that only the closest friends and the most important business associates attend the wedding and they should keep in mind Tris and her friends would be there too. Which meant, if they wanted things to go smoothly and not destroy some work relations they shouldn't invite too many boring people. Natalie and Evelyn had shared a look when Tris mentioned that and she wasn't sure if they would laugh, cry or heed her warning. It seemed they did the latter.

"Did you threaten them to go berserk if things wouldn't go according to our plan?" he asked amused and she laughed lightly. She only nodded. They talked the night before about it. The four youngest members of their families knew how to make a scene and not necessarily in a good way. But Tris and Tobias were also certain that they wouldn't. This was just a strategic maneuver to make their mothers slow down and not invite half the country.

"You sure you are okay with mom and Evelyn taking over?" she asked him apprehensive. After all, it was her idea to exclude them when they first got engaged.

"Sure, babe. Besides, they are excellent party planners. And I'm sure they'll respect our wishes. I am not really good at this and you frankly don't give a crap about center pieces or ice sculptures or whatnot," he pointed out. She nodded. He was right. When she first told him that she wouldn't allow their mothers to take over she thought that this day would be a long way down the road but with each passing day she got more excited about the idea of becoming Mrs. Tobias Eaton and thus less afraid. The fact that they would be living in New York made everything even better. They might move back to Chicago at some point, but for now they were happy. Living in the Big City meant Tris could finish college and work there, but more importantly, Tris could have some privacy. She loved her family, but they were sometimes too much. Especially, since they rekindled.

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