Ch 1 - Meet the characters

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"Okay guys, I have Math right now, see you later." Harry said. .

"That leaves me and you Marcel." Edward said. Only Marcel wasn't paying attention he was in his own little world. When Marcel didn't reply Edward shook him to get him out of thought. "Marcel, are you alright?" Edward asked. "Yeah, Um.. I'm fine. I have to go to History, Don't want to be late." Marcel says and leaves Edward standing there.

Darcey's POV:

I sat quietly at my desk looking down at my notebook, writing. I wrote whatever came to mind. Suddenly I heard a shuffle and someone came running into the room. I looked up and saw Marcel Styles, one of the triplets. He sat down at the desk next to me. I took my eyes off of him and continued writing. "Hi Darcey." Marcel said. "Uh.. Hi Marcel." I said nervously,"What's up?" "The sky, the clouds..sometimes airplanes.." Marcel replied and I laughed. I don't know why, but I found that funny. "You're really funny Marcel." I tell him. "Thanks!" He says,"So, Would you like going out for a movie tonight?" I instantly hear the others laughing and mean comment saying. "Ew, hopefully she doesn't accept. He's a nerd." Or "Why would she go out with a nerd?"

I ignored their rude comments and I saw Marcel starting to tear up. He gets up from his seat and leaves the classroom. I have to run to catch up to him. "Marcel! Don't listen to them! They're just jerks." I tell him. He keeps on walking and I grab his arm to stop him. "You're not a nerd. Not in my eyes. I think you're a really sweet and funny guy. Please don't listen to them, I can't stand seeing you cry."

"Do you mean all that?" Marcel asks.

"Honestly, I wouldn't say that to you if it wasn't true." I assure him.

"So.. Anyway. Do you accept going out tonight?" He asks. "Yes, give me your number and I'll call you." I say and hand him my phone. He types in his number and calls his phone and quickly hangs up. "Thanks.. So I'll See you at 7.." "Yeah, 7 it is!" I say and we go back to class

Sharon's POV:

I looked around the classroom looking for Edward, I'm always looking out for him and I don't know why. Class was going to be over in half an hour and still no sign of Edward. He walked into the classroom and everyone stared at him. "Mr. Styles, you do realize that this is the second time that you are late?" Mr. Marquez tells Edward. "yeah. So?" Edward says rudely. "So, if you do it one more time, you'll have detention." "Whatever." Edward says and sits down on the desk behind me.

He taps on my shoulder and I turn around and face him. He slides a slip of paper to me from under his notebook. I take it and turn back around. I look at the slip of paper and on it was written:

"Call me:



Nya's POV:

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Miranda, the head bitch said. I looked at her. "Look leave me alone, I'm going to be late for class!" I shout. She laughs. Ah, she finds this real funny. "Does it look like I care?" She said. "Leave her alone." Someone shouts and I turn to see Harry, Harry Styles. "And you're going to make me?" Miranda literally shouts. "He is." I said and she starts insulting me, but really.. I don't give a shit. "You know what? No one cares about you okay? So run along and play with your dolls." I tell her and she begins pulling my hair. Harry tries to pry her off of me but her grip tightens. "HEY! CUT IT OUT!" Mr. Lopez, the principal said. "SHE STARTED IT!" Miranda yelled. "That is so not true!" Harry said. "THAT'S IT! Rivera, Jenner, Office NOW!"

Sharon's POV:

I went to my locker to put away my books after classes ended. Nya and Darcey were nowhere to be seen. I wonder where they went. Hopefully they're not in trouble. "Sharon!" Darcey called. "Hi!" I said,"Where's Nya?" I ask. "You didn't hear? She's in the office. Miranda tried beating her up." Darcey says.

"Is Nya okay?"

"I'm sure she is."

"I Think we should go check up on her."

"Yeah. Me too."

We walk through the corridor to the office. Nya was sitting on the chair in Mr. Lopez's office. "Sharon.. Darcey.. May I Ask what brings you two here?" He asks. "Well, we heard that Nya was here and we got very worried." Darcey says. "Oh, well she's fine. Miranda tried to cause her harm, but I suspended her." Mr. Lopez says. "Can I please go now, sir?" Nya asks. "Very well, you may go." He says and we leave. "I have something to share with you!" I tell the girls. "What is it?" Asked Nya. "One of the Styles triplets gave me his number." I said. "No way, which one?" Darcey asks. "Edward." I say. "I'm so happy for you, the same thing happened to me!" Darcey says. "Who?" I asked. "Marcel!" She squeals. "You're a perfect match!" I say. "Why is that? He probably only likes me as a friend." Darcey replies,"Edward looks like if he likes you! He's always staring at you."

"He probably doesn't and maybe he does, who knows?"

We walked home and I took out my phone and texted Edward.

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