Ch 5 - The Carnival

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"Damn it." I said under my breath as I dropped my textbooks to the floor accidentally.

"Need help with that?" Marcel asked.

"Um, Yeah. Thanks!" I reply picking up two text books and shoving them into my locker.

"Here you go." He says handing me my other three textbooks.

"Thank you, once again."

Just then my phone rings.

🎶They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the I love you's, But I bet you if they only knew. They would just be jealous of us.....🎶

"I'm sorry, I got a bit carried away." Marcel apologized.

"Sorry? For what?" I ask pretending that I don't know what the bloody hell he's talking about.

"Sorry for telling you that I love you.."

"Don't worry about it. I'm also sorry for running away. I was just shocked."

"W-Why w-were y-you sh-shocked?" He stuttered

"It's just that, you're actually the first boy to tell me that you love me. For me, It's something rather unusual."

"I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship or anything.

"Hello!" A voice says behind me. I turn around to face another 1/3 of the Styles triplets, Harry.

"Hi Harry." I say quietly.

"What are you two conversing about?" Harry asked smirking.

"I-It's nothing really." Marcel assures him.

"Is something going on? Between you two?" asks Harry.

"Harry, There's nothing going on. We're just really good friends, nothing more, I promise." I tell him.

"Whatever." Harry says laughing a bit. Why the hell is he laughing? Did he just see through my lie?

"So anyways, we should go to the carnival later to hang out and get to know everyone better." Harry suggests.

"I'll go!" I say,"I've never been to one before and this may be my last opportunity."

"How about you Marcel? Are you in?" Harry asks him.

"Deal!" He says smiling.

"Okay, well see ya later. Nya's waiting for me." Harry says and leaves.

"Do you want to walk home together?" I ask Marcel.

"Yeah, of course."

I smile at him.

"How was your day if you don't mind me asking." He asks as we walk past the park, into our neighborhood.

"Well, Ms. Stone told me that I need a tutor because I'm failing math."

"I can tutor you..."

"That would be lovely, but would you want to?" I ask.

"Why wouldn't I? I'm smart at mathematics, and you need the help. It's actually a good idea."

"Yay! Thank you! You're the best." I say hugging him tightly.

"Thanks.." He says quietly.

"Marcel, Is there something wrong?" I ask.

"No.." He lied.

"I can see through your lies.. There is something wrong. Please tell me. Did someone give you a hard time at school today?"

"Yes, as usual. I'm used to it. I just don't feel like I'm worth your time."

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