Ch 9 - Hospital

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Ashton's POV

I was laying on my bed playing some video games at 3:45 AM when I got a phone call from an Unknown Number. I answered it anyways.


-"Hi, Is This Ashton?" a voice asks, a girl's. She sounded serious.

-"Yes," I tell the girl,"Who are you?"

-"No time for that. Darcey's in the hospital." The girl says.

-"What?! Why?" I ask.

-"She was found in her bedroom passed out."

-"W-What hospital is she in?!" I ask the mystery girl.

-"She's at the Doncaster Royal Infirmary."

-"Thank you so much for telling me. I'm on my way." I tell her.

-"No problem." She says hanging up.

I grab my Hollister hoodie and put it on. I leave a note on the refrigerator door telling my mum where I had gone.


I went to the front desk and asked for Darcey's room number "32A, 32A.." I repeated.

-"Here it is." I say to myself.

There she was, lying on a hospital bed, her eyes were closed. I went over to her quietly. I grabbed her hand and noticed that she had several cuts on her arms, They looked fresh.

-"Why did you do this?" I ask her. As if she was going to respond. It hurt me so much to see this. I didn't think that she would be the type of girl to harm herself. I wondered why she had done this.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Darcey's mum, Laura came in.

-"What happened to her?" I ask Laura.

-"She was in a depression, and she cut herself. She lost so much blood that she fainted." Laura says sadly.

-"Why did she do this to herself?" I ask.

-"She got into a fight with Marcel."


-"Because Marcel was angry at her for spending more time with you than him. He yelled at her and said some horrible things."

-"I knew he was trouble the second I saw him." I tell her.

-"Ashton, Why'd you leave my daughter? None of this would have happened if you were still with her."

-"I know, I miss her alot."

We chat for a few hours and I decided to go outside for some air.

I looked at Darcey once again. Her eyes were still closed.

-"I love you so much." I whisper,"I always will." I kiss her on the cheek before leaving the room.

-"Marcel! Slow the fuck down!" I hear Edward say.

Who told him to come here?! He shouldn't even be here.

-"No, I need to see my girlfriend." He tells Edward.

They approach me and Marcel gives me the death glare.

-"Why the fuck are you here?!" Marcel snaps at me.

-"I'm here to see Darcey." I simply say.


-"Right, you don't even have the strength." I retort.


-"Go ahead nerd. Punch me since you think you're all tough!"

I wait for the punch but it doesn't come.

-"I knew you'd back out. Oh and by the way, the reason why Darcey's here is because you caused her to go into a depression. You made her cut herself and she almost died from all that blood she lost. She wanted to die because of you." I tell him. I wanted to cry because the thought of Darcey, MY DARCEY harming herself was really painful.


The sky was grey outside and it was a bit breezy. My phone alarm buzzed letting me know that it was time to get up. Today, I didn't need it. I was already awake so who cares?

I looked at my lock screen, there was a picture of me and Darcey two years ago. We both looked so happy. All that had changed though. I went from happy to miserable. Darcey went from full of good spirit to depressed.

Why did I ever leave her?

Why did this stupid distance affect our relationship this bad?

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