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-"Ash.. You have been crying nonstop for the past day or so. You need to stop." Luke tells me.

-"If your girlfriend died you would be doing the same so shut up." I tell him.

-"She wasn't even your girlfriend." He says.

-"Luke, Let me dream. In my own little world she is."

-"You're being ridiculous."

-"No you're being ridiculous asshole." I tell him.

I didn't want to be having this discussion with Lucas right now. I wanted to be left alone.

-"I love her too." Luke says and I shot him the death glare,"But I have to stay strong. For her."

"She's. Mine." I say.

I knew that Darcey had a crush on Luke. She would flirt with him constantly and I was jealous of that. I craved the attention that she was giving him. I wanted to tell Luke to back off, but he's my mate. I can't ruin our friendship. That would just tear the band apart.

Michael walked into the room and stood by Luke. He looked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Cheer up." He says. "Don't bother with that." Luke says,"I've tried." And with that, they leave. I walk to the restroom to wash my face. I was really pale. My eyes are bloodshot from not getting any sleep last night. Had I ever forgotten, It's 7 in the morning.

My light hair brown hair was a mess. I take off my glasses and wipe my eyes. I hate myself right now. I wish that I could just disappear.

She's Dead. The word "Dead" is ringing in my head. I had decided to take a walk. Just to get my mind off of things. I walked past Darcey's house. It was for sale, her parents were moving. They would be leaving for America. Everything seems like a nightmare. I'm hoping it is. I'm hoping that she'll come back. Hoping that she is still alive.


Darcey's POV:

I've been kidnapped. Yes, You heard me right. I was kidnapped by a girl named Kendall and her brother who's name I have not learned yet. I wonder if my parents miss me. They probably didn't. I missed them though. I missed Sam. My lovely little sister whom I've grown to love. I missed Ashton, I know I've said before that I hated him, but I don't I was just angry at him. I wish that I could take back all that I had said about him. I missed my friends Sharon, Nya, Luke, Cal, and Mikey. I missed the triplets, Especially Marcel.

I really don't know how I happened to be kidnapped. I might have blacked out somewhere and the next thing you know, I'm locked up. I tried to open the door, but it would move. It was one that locked from the outside. I tried opening the window, but it was sealed shut. There was no escape. I sit on the waxed wooden floor. I think these people know that I have something to do with either Harry or Ashton. Harry, because I was dating his brother, Marcel who passed away a few months ago. Or Ashton, Who had tweeted pictures of me and him when we were dating. I wasn't sure what these people knew. It made me sort of curious to come to think of it.

Just then, I hear the lock of the door click and someone steps in. I see a girl looking down at me. "Why are you keeping me in hiding?" I ask her simply.

"I'm keeping you safe," The girl said,"I can't believe you are Ashton Irwin's girlfriend!" She screams.

"I'm not his girlfriend. I'm his ex girlfriend." I tell her.

"He's really hot and you're really pretty. It's a perfect combination. I totally ship you two."

She was right he was attractive, but she was wrong about me being pretty.

"Yeah, pretty." I scoff,"I'm anything but pretty."

"Oh, Don't be so negative." She says.

"Can you please let me go?" I ask politely.

"No." She says.

"And Why not?" I snap.

I didn't care if I sounded rude. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Maybe if I kept you here long enough, I would have more friends because after all, You are Ashton Irwin's girlfriend."

"For the last time, I'm not his girlfriend. I'm Marcel's girlfriend." I tell her.

She was already getting on my last nerve.

"Sweetie, Don't be silly. We both know your precious Marcel died months ago. He's nothing but your past. He's never coming back, even if you prayed to god that he will. He won't. He's dead. Get over it."

"If you're going to kill me go ahead and do that right now. I'd rather be with him, than be in this hell house."

"I'm not going to kill you,"

"You should because I can't stand being here."

"I don't care, you're staying here. Even if you don't want to."

That night I started plotting and planning my escape.

Marcel's POV

It's been a couple of months since I told my family that I wanted to move to the States and I wanted them to say I had passed away. Edward told me how much Darcey cried and how she change. Edward said it look as she was  dieting he also told me that Sharon and Nya had to help her wherever she went because of how weak she was. Then Harry told me that she stopped calling herself Darcey  and used Sydney instead. It killed me to think I hurt her by saying I was dead but I had to get ready to protect her. I came to the States to change my image I did not like to be the nerd. I just wanted to protect her like Edward did with Sharon I wanted to be her save zone.

A couple of days ago as I was ready to go to the gym I received. A phone call from Harry telling me that Darcey had passed away I could not believe it.

I wanted to go back to England and see her for a last time. Harry said that I could not come back because I was "dead" I actually wanted to cry but I didn't I had to stay strong .I asked him if they found the body he said no. That could be my chance to look for her but I needed help.

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