Ch 4 - Do I love him?

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Okay, Guys I'm in California and I'm updating because I love you this much. Little Cupcakes! (; You all shall be my little cupcakesss!!

**a few months later**


I sighed. Today was just not my day, I was alone at lunch, and I haven't even seen Marcel at all today. I was beginning to get worried, what if he was in danger and I wasn't even aware of it.

I walked home in the pouring rain.

*Phone Buzzes*






How was your day?

Me: Um, Well it sucked! :(

Sharon: Why?

Me: Uh, well you ditched me. I was alone during lunch:(

Sharon: Oh I'm sorry. I had stuff to do. Why didn't you hang out with Marcel?

Me: He didn't show up at school today, I suspect something's up.

Sharon: Text him. Like now

Me: Okay Gotta Go!



"Harold, Edward. Can you just shut up already?" I tell my idiot brothers. For some reason they always seem to fight for the stupidest reasons. Right now, they were fighting over the television remote and who gets to watch television first. "Tell Edward to give me the remote!" Harry whines. "Here's an idea, Why don't you go upstairs to your room and watch television up there? Let Edward watch his show here." I say and go back to my book report which is due tomorrow.

*Phone vibrates*

New message!

From Darcey<33

Hey Marcel, I am really worried about you. Why didn't you come to school today? I missed you :(

Me :

I missed you too, I had to go to several doctors appointments. I couldn't make it. Sorry:(

From Darcey<33

Oh, well.. Are you okay Marcie?



From Darcey<33

Yes, Marcie, that's my nickname for you! :P it's cute and so are you.

Did she just call me cute? I knew she had a crush on me, but still. No one had ever called me cute before. Even I wouldn't call myself that. I didn't consider myself as cute or attractive. I'm just a nerd. Nothing special.


Later on in the day I called Darcey to check up on her. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey, What's Up?" I ask her, trying to sound "cool." "Oh, Not much. I'm just bored. I might go take a walk." She says. "Meet me at the park in ten minutes." I tell her. "Alright, See you in a bit." She says and hangs up. I had to tell her something really important. I just don't know how she'll react to what I'm going to tell her. Hoping she doesn't freak out and walk away from me.


I walked out of my house and went to the park. I looked around for Darcey. I spotted her sitting on a bench looking down at her phone. "Hello Marcel." She says smiling at me. "Hello." I reply. We sat on the bench laughing and talking for about an hour.

"So, why'd you want me to meet you here?" She asks.

"I needed to tell you something.. It's not easy for me to say." I tell her. "Please, tell me Marcel." She begs. "I love you....." I say before I can even stop myself from saying those words. They just slipped from my mouth. Instantly I regretted even saying them.

"oh.." She says quietly. "Do you love me back?" I asked her. "I don't really- I don't know." She says,"Goodbye Marcel..."


I thought for a while. I thought of Marcel. He doesn't deserve the hate that he gets everyday. He deserves some respect. I remembered the night before, when I had told him that I had a crush on him. He seemed really happy. Like if I was the first person to ever like him in his whole entire lifetime. He didn't believe I liked him. He was in denial. After he admitted that he "Loved" me, I wanted to be the girl in his life. The one that loved him with all her heart. The one that would treat him right. The one to even make him feel special. I was too scared to admit that I loved him back. I wanted to be his girlfriend, (Strange, I know) I know I would get hate if I ever did become his girlfriend. I would become a loser. None of that would matter to me though, because its my decision to like whoever I want, no one will ever be able to change that. Ever.

I tried to think of something other than him, but the only thought that popped up in my head was:

"I Love Marcel........."

🎶On my own

Pretending he's beside me

All alone

I walk with him till morning

Without him

I feel his arms around me

And when I lose my way I close my eyes

And he has found me

In the rain the pavement shines like silver

All the lights are misty in the river

In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight

And all I see is him and me forever and forever

And I know it's only in my mind

That I'm talking to myself and not to him

And although I know that he is blind

Still I say, there's a way for us

I love him

But when the night is over

He is gone

The river's just a river

Without him

The world around me changes

The trees are bare and everywhere

The streets are full of strangers

I love him

But every day I'm learning

All my life

I've only been pretending

Without me

His world will go on turning

A world that's full of happiness

That I have never known

I love him

I love him

I love him

But only on my own🎶

SORRY IT WAS SO SHORT!! But aww(:Darcey is in love with Marcel. What do you think is going to happen next with their friendship? Leave me your ideas loves(: I'm trying to update every now and then, but I'm very lazy. Haha :P


Song(s) Used;

On My Own - Lès Miserables (Glee Version) Performed by Lea Michele.

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