Ch 2 - The Date

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Darcey's POV:

"Hi, Darcey." Nya said from behind me.

"Hi, What's up?" I ask her

"I need help.." She says


"I think I may like Harry.."

"Wait, Harry Styles?"


"I've heard he likes you."

"He does?"


"Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"No, never noticed."

"Well, You should start paying more attention."

"I pay attention!"

"Nya, Really..?"

"Okay, Fine.. I don't.. I'm too busy thinking about him."

"Whatever.." I say pulling out my phone to dial Harry's number. When he answers I say, "Hi Harry.. I heard my friend Nya likes you? Yeah? You want to talk to her?"

"What are you doing?"

"Setting you up!" I tell her giving her my phone.

I head upstairs to get ready for my sort of date with Marcel. To be honest, I am really nervous. I can't believe I'm going on a date with him tonight. Hopefully it goes well.

"Damn.. I hope that I don't screw up anything." I think to myself. I turn on the hot water and step into the shower.

After a ten minute shower I change into a rainbow jumper and black shorts. [Outfit on side] I go downstairs and grab my bag and my phone. I go outside to sit on the porch and look at the sunset, waiting patiently.

Marcel's POV:

"Marcel!" My mother called.

"Yes?" I answered.

"It's already 6:30! Aren't you going on a date?" She asks.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Edward and Harry told me and you should tell me about her."

I finished getting ready and went downstairs to talk to my mum.

"So.. Who is she?" My mum asks.

"Her name is Darcey..." I say quietly.

"What is she like? Is she nice?"

"Yeah, she's really nice. I think she's the first girl who actually likes me."

"Do you like her? Like you know.. As a girlfriend or something?"

"Yes, Really. Just something about her.."

"Well, you should ask her to be your girlfriend.."

I couldn't believe I, Marcel Styles is having this talk with my mum. I trust her, she keeps secrets and she doesn't really embarrass me much so I think I'm okay.

"I better get going.. I don't want to be late." I tell my mum.

"Hey, Marcel." My brothers say in unison.

"Guys, Sorry to break it to you, but that's really creepy." I tell them.

"What is?" They ask.

"You two saying the same thing at the same time."


"Seriously! Stop that."

"So, Where are you headed to?" Harry asked.

"On a date."

"That's funny, We're going on dates too.. Me with Sharon and Harry with Nya. Who are you going on a date with." Edward replies.

"Darcey, Their friend."

"Oh cool. Bye then. Good luck! You're going to need it." Edward says.

"Thanks.." I mumble.

I go outside to the driveway and get in my car. I drive to Darcey's house. All the lights were turned off except for her room's. I knocked on the door and her mum answered it. "Hi, I'm Marcel, I'm here to pick up Darcey for our date." I tell her. "Darcey!!! Marcel's here!" Her mum calls out. "Nice to meet you Marcel, how are you?" Her mum asks me.

"I'm great thanks and nice to meet you too."

"Hi, Marcel." Darcey says from behind her mum. Her mum steps to the side allowing Darcey to come closer to me. Her mum then disappears into the house. "Hi Darcey." I say. She pulls me into a tight hug. "I missed you.." She whispers. "I missed you too." I tell her.


"What movie do you want to see?" I ask Darcey. "How about.. R.I.P.D?" She asks. "Sure! We'll watch that then." I say,

"Two tickets for R.I.P.D please." I tell the lady. The lady tells me the total and I hand her the money. In the theatre room, hardly anyone was there, which was really nice. Throughout the whole entire movie, I kept looking at her. She looked at me too, and smiled. "Marcel, Is it weird that.. I sort of have a crush on you?" She asks. "No, not at all because I have a crush on you too.." I reply. "You do?" "Yes.." "Wow, I never even knew that..." She says. "Well it's just that you never asked, and you looked like you were too shy." I tell her, "So.. What are we going to do about this...?"

"I don't know.. Whatever you want to..."

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