Percy x reader Part 1

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A/n: Yo, I'm back just going to edit these things to make them flow and make more sense. Ask questions if you got any!

Y/N pov

You were sitting in your cabin reading your favorite book, you were there sitting on your bunk reading for a straight couple of hours... you might have missed rock climbing.

As you read your siblings whisper your name. You snapped your head back to them."What?" you asked.

A few of them giggled as they started whispering to each other again. You closed your book and stood up, "What are you guys up to?"

"Do you you have a date to the dance this evening?" One of your siblings asked. Your face went pale, so they were talking about that. To be honest, you hoped a certain someone would ask you out. But they didn't, and better yet, no one did.

"No?" you replied hesitantly.

"Good," another sibling said and dragged someone with then as they got up off the floor, "Secure her!" It was like the beast was let loose. Kids flew to the closet, your siblings lunges at you, and all the meanwhile you were paralyzed where you stood. The audacity of your siblings. They don't tell you what's up and then they conspire against you. Peachy.

You stumbled across the room to a chair in front of a mirror. As your sibling had a hold on you, you started to shriek, "Wait! What are you guys doing?! This isn't going to be torture is it?"  A sibling on your right looks at you and snickers in your ear,

"Depends on how you see it."

"What is that supposed to mean!"

Soon enough your siblings get you in the chair and hold you there. "Miss L/n, you are here by sentenced with a makeover." The sibling behind You jests and you groan at their antics. Another kid facepalms, "Now, you sound like an Aphrodite kid."

Some kids emerged from the closet and the two that ran outside came back with something bathing their backs. "Y/n, we know how much you do for us and that you basically helped all of us get adjusted to living this kind of life. To thank you, we want to help you." As you sibling by the door said that they pulled out a dress from behind them. It was about knee length and better yet, in your favorite color.

Another pair of siblings stepped forward and handed you a pair of matching heels and some jewelry. You smiled at the outfit, your siblings... they are really like family. You raised your head and looked around at all of the eyes awaiting you reaction. Tears start to build in your eyes, "Thank you guys," you reach out to hug every single one of them, "Do you think some of you could help me? I'm not quite sure where to begin."

A few stepped forward while other went on about their own business. The oldest of the four spoke, "We can help, we aren't going to the dance anyway."

"Thank you."


You started to worry that my siblings set me up a date to the dance with my crush, Percy. That's not possible he has eyes for Annabeth, right? Yeah, it's just not possible. My siblings were telling me that my date had matching color-coded clothes. That didn't make deductions any easier.

You decided to go ask Percy if he was going to the dance or not. You may be crushing on him, but he is still a really good friend. You walked up to his cabin and about to knock on the door when you hear Percy talk to himself, "How in the world am I going to tell her? Hi! Looks like your wearing the same colors as me, you wanna be my date?! Ew, no. I think I just cringed at myself." You chucked softly to yourself. He really is a big nerd as you thought.

You knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Percy yelled from inside.

"It's Y/n, Percy." You heard the boys swear before hurried footsteps came to open the door, "Hey Y/N! Why are you here?" He sounded a bit nervous. His black slacks fit his nicely and top few buttons of his white shirt are unbuttoned. Needless to say, he looks hot.

"Well," He already has a date, now get out of there Y/n, "I was wondering if any of my siblings left their brush here." You internally celebrated your quick save.

Percy looked into your eyes in thought, "no, can't say that they did."

"Great! See you later, Percy!" You turned around on the spot and walked back to your cabin to finish getting ready.

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